Summer skin idea for Ragnaros - Summer Pool Rag

Alright hear me out, I notice there’s not a lot of skin choices/flavor for my boy Ragnaros so thought of this -

Summer skin pool water Ragnaros

  • Lava body is water

  • bottom lava-earth ring of his body is a decorated innertube

  • his hammer is a foam noodle (or an inflated pool toy hammer)

  • he’s wearing a life vest and arm floats (to replace his armor)

  • maybe wearing sunglasses

  • when he hits with his basic attack it makes a subtle squeaky noise

  • when he ults with lava wave he says BY WATER BE PURGED

  • his lava wave ult is a tsunami going down lane

  • seeing him do molten core with a huge innertube would be hilarious


Love this! Rag absolutely needs some skin variety.