Suggestion for a simple custom mount

Orphea should be able to use whatever she has on her back as a hero specific mount. Simply add a short animation where her coffin / locker / safe moves from her back to her feet and let her ride that stuff the same way she rides the other standing mounts.


Very good. That weird box looks very good as a mount like a swimming pool (Sharkbit) :smiley: .
We can also use that purple monster as a special mount.

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ye, that’d be pretty neat.
I also wish Rag, KTZ, and Mephisto could also go on magical mounts. Just keep the animation the same and plop a surfboard underneath. Would that look so bad? ;D

  • to mention we should be allowed to use the mount of hers that has a similar thing to Cho’Gall feet mount known as the one not carrying a horse or riding one