Stuttering lag, Reports enclosed

I bought a new Geforce 1060 FTW. Still have the problems. Tried many fixes I read about. Still have the problems. I did looking glass, tracer, ping, mtr. I’ll post those here. Any other advice? I have an ethernet connection. It happens when I join a fight. Everything comes to a standstill. My cursor moves just fine. I tried debug mode. That might have been very slightly better. I have the latest drivers.

I enabled the debug menu. Nothing comes up.
FPS=usually 70-120 even when the lag and stuttering and standstilll happens
ping= 70 to 150
GPU 66 c

I’m not sure how to attach the files. I don’t see an attach button anywhere.
It won’t let me cut and paste the pathpings and tracer routes since they have links in them.

Ok, I contacted support Ticket ID US65393244 so I could attach the text files.

I have a new 1060 too, and I have this problem with Heroes of the Storm only:

Sadly, nobody help us, and I’m so frustrated and sad, because I want to play Heroes, but a new error appears and mess all.

IMPORTANT: I found what causes the error, but NO the solution.
You can put every graphic setting to maximum and the error don’t happen, but if you the “Shaders” on “High”, the “Lighting” and “Reflections” will be unlock and the blink/flickering/black screen will happen. The second option is on “Off” by default, and the first on “Low”, for that reason the problem is related with “Lighting” option.
Like I told, my GPU is new a GTX 1060. There is a lot of people with the same error or similar, someones with GTX 1060 too. Maybe there is a issue with Heroes of the storm, drivers, or with that model. When I was with a GTX 970, this error never happened.
Please, try this and comment us. We need to found the exact error to fix it.