Stuck in bronze hell

I’m so tired of Bronze. Every game is filled with toxic players, people that go AFK or refuse to play, pick a healer and refuse to heal, etc. I am a decent player that belongs probably in Gold. I get MVP a lot, am always in the top of the kills/damage/heals, and usually only die once or twice, usually lower than anyone else. I am usually in the right spot when I need to be. I know everyone says “its not me”, but I really feel like I really carry my team. Not that I haven’t made mistakes. I do. And I try to learn from those mistakes. But if you watch my teammates I am far above their skill level. I use pings and they don’t listen. I assist them even though they are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

If you talk to GMs they say, oh just carry the team. I find carrying a bad player is totally doable. Carrying an afk person or one that just plain refuses to play at all is nearly impossible unless the enemy team just sucks. And thats the sad part. Because Bronze is so awful, you almost have to hope the enemy team sucks because you know at least one person on your team is going afk, picking the tank and then laning all game like a spec, or picking illidan and feeding all game. Just so tried of it I am considering not playing any more. It doesn’t seem like leaving bronze is even possible. Sure if you’re a GM, you might be able to carry yourself out of Bronze. If you’re gold or plat, that task is much harder. Top all that up with the level of toxic kids on here that scream at each other, and you have a very unenjoyable experience.

It’s sad, because I really love the game as a whole, but the ranking system is trash. There should be some method of distributing rank points depending on how an individual player does, combined with the win/loss ratio. So if I do very well, but the rest of my team sucks and we lose because of it, I shouldn’t suffer as much rank loss as the healer that healed 14k (like a game recently) or the chromie that did 20k damage (also in a recent game). On the other hand, if you sucked and your teammates carried you, you should get less rank bonus. This would help counter this tremendously. Or at least help promote people to their rightful ranks.

I certainly agree. It should be half on win/loss, and half upon your stats. I know stats aren’t everything before everyone says you can pad them and still be the reason your team loses. But there should certainly be a more personalized system. I have been gold for a long time. Now I don’t play a whole lot of ranked, but I have a couple master friends that playing in QM with them, they are blatantly said I should be on their level or higher, but climbing takes SO MUCH patience. Like playing 200+ games a season just pray to climb. Not including queue times of 1000s plus, its disheartening. Get your placement done for the loot at the end of the season, and play a mode you enjoy. Don’t let ranked ruin the game for you, when there are other fun modes :slight_smile:

Just pick Jaina and carry. She can do it all.

Anyone good has left at this point. If you can’t get out of bronze now you’re a lost cause. I suggest you pick up a new hobby.


You think Bronze is bad? Wait till you climb out right into silver. Especially Silver 5-3.



Even if your statement is true, doesn’t the fact that everyone good has left also mean that there’s no one good on my team as well… you just countered your own argument and supported mine.

I fell to bronze (I believe as far as Bronze 2) at some point after being a victim of a bug, and then immediately get a LOT of games with afks. Climbing out of there was a VERY bad experience, so I can understand how you feel.

There is some luck, in that there are more trolls, so it’s sometimes up to which team gets the troll. But if you keep doing everything right, you’ll eventually climb out because so many players on the enemy team do everything wrong.

Make sure you pick a hero that can get camps and has decent wave clear. Did you place in Bronze?

If you want I could go over some replays. There are tricks on different maps to take advantage of the enemy’s lack of knowledge.


I was in Gold at one point. Silver and Gold are much better, there’s no question. Especially gold. You have much fewer trolls and afkers. Trying to suggest otherwise is just silly.

Hmm… I placed silver 5 on my new smurf last season despite going 9-1, but didn’t have the time to try and rank up. Now I’m curious to compare my experience to yours, but this board game event and super fast chests doing vs ai :expressionless:

Is this your account?

Please don’t take this as offence but if you played 5123 HL games with a winrate of 48,5% and are still in bronze there is a very very very high chance that this actually is the right league for you.

This account has spammed so many games it will be very hard to climb anyhow since the rank adjustment points will push you down. If you want to reach Gold you seriously should create a smurf.

You can get out of Bronze and Silver. I did.

Learn how to play the map effectively and pick heroes that play the map well. Avoid tanking / healing because those roles don’t carry well at that level.

Take camps, lane, push forts, et cetera. People in Bronze have poor map awareness and let you steamroll them.

The key to carrying in Bronze and Silver is good macro.

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Hots promised us a system what you mentioned (if you are good but lose you dobt suffer as much) but it never happened.

I think key things that this system should have/judge you on is the following.

All classes = Clutching/focusing/peeling to some degree. There is many times if a healer or KT just right clicked the enemy we all would have walked away instead of one of us dying or if Raynor/morales/lucio turned around and Q blasted them in the face. Its one thing to be oom or cooldown but if your not you are guilty and should be ranked on that.

When to end the game. Again situational at times but if your team wipes their whole team lvl20 and you ping core but your team runs back to do camps and your team loses. They should be judged and educated on that.

These would probably be the harshest per role
WARRIOR: clutch peeling. The worst is (real examples) Muradin with 90% health in front of you running away while you have 10% health and die. A good tank will turn around and do something. Also a good tank knows when to stop chase.

Support: healing/pvping (yes not right clicking on enemies to me is a low skilled healer) if in a good position (yes that includes dive comps)

Assassians: focusing the right target (and I dont mean always focus the medic nub speech) I mean when you are next to a hero with 5% health/support and you are focusing the 30-100% tank. Yes again situational (like if they get an ult on them) example: if you just attack TAZ DINGO through his whole ult that should lower your score or Uthers Ult. This should only apply (your score) if another hero is close for you to attack to prevent self nerfs in a 1v1 scenario.

After every match it should break it down and show you what you did wrong. There is arguable pings but no one on your team (except the nub) will deny if you shot called a “retreat ping” well in advanced when you clearly see the enemy team moving up to gank them…


I often take heroes that can solo camps. Or at least help with them quickly, unless I’m healing. But I would not mind anyone viewing my games and giving me pointers on what I could do better. I’m always open to honest, constructive feedback.

This right here is the largest contributing factor to getting out of Bronze, realizing your own mistakes and aiming to improve.

You misspelled “Butcher”

How is it silly? It’s easy to get out of bronze. It becomes hell right before silver 4. I’ll never complain about gold 3-1 again

In my limited experience as a Gold Player in Hero League, I noticed that people who likes to play that are incapable of watching the map tends to need a spam retreat ping, it’s useful.

I’ve been playing Kel’thuzad and managed to get from Gold 4 to Gold 2 using him for the most part, playing a Hero with an impact on the game is way better than hoping your team actually listens.

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This is all the result of the “confidence interval.” No possible “fixes” to matchmaking will work - and thus, we’re wasting our time talking about it - until that is removed. The very idea the game should “know” where you’re supposed to be - ELO naturally deals with this over time anyway - and force you to stay where it thinks you belong by completely screwing you over in matchmaking is just inexcusable.

This is why the game died. Not a focus on eSports, this is what single-handedly killed the game.

The best replays to watch are those where you’re not sure why you won, and those where you lost and suspect you could have won. I usually only check replays of games I lost. Sometimes just improving your positioning can raise your win %

I’m Phaseshifter#1283 if you want to add me. Or if you already put some replays up, just copy the links and people can look at them.

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Illogical. If you are surrounded by bad players you will win more than you lose because If you’re actually gold you should be the best player in agame full of bronze players. The only way you wouldn’t be winning more than you lose is If you’re actually surrounded by people If equal skill. If you’re better than your rank you climb. Post some replays. Show us that it’s your team and not you. If you are a gold player you should have about a 60-70% win rate in bronze. Anyway you say it isn’t you but what is a strangers word worth with other strangers? Post some replays.

Stop and think about why so many people in this thread alone are telling you what rank the “real hell” is. Everyone has a different point at which they stop climbing and start blaming everything and everyone around them. The truth is that is where their own skill hits their ceiling.