Stuck in bronze hell

There’s an unwritten rule that you should be able to carry to a rank below where you actually are. So if you can’t carry bronzies, you’re most likely a low silver or a bronzie yourself.

That said: Just pick Azmodan and go nuts on the enemy.

Goodluck carrying anything in this game with this horrible team lvling system. As soon as the enemy team gets 15 - 10 the game is pretty much over, goodluck catching up on levels unless everyone farms like crazy or gets those objectives.

This is the thing that people seem to gloss over and forget. Even accounting for the fact that your teammates will be awful, the enemy will be too, and all that’s left is you. There is no being “stuck” in bronze. It is literally the lowest of the low on the totem pole.

Even the most basic understanding of the game will allow you to rise above. I can’t say it will be a pleasurable or even fast experience to get out of, but it is an inevitable one, if you’re even remotely knowledgable and skilled as you presume to think you are.

this is why i wish they had implemented the MMR changes this season. we are going to have to wait on them though til at least next season.

there is one problem with that… which is everyone bans Azmo.
learning Zagara and Nazeebo is probably going to be the most stable.

I still think Arthas is the best “carry” hero in the game currently. He does require at least Gold-level mechanics to be viable on though.

If you feel your game sense is very good but your mechanics are lacking, I would suggest Zagara. Playing the mini-map and just doing everything for your team will get you around poor mechanics until you at least hit your actual rank.

Well, there are some enemy misplays that you may not be able to take advantage up.

Sometimes for example, you have two kills and you’d have time to get a fort, but your team goes for a merc camp instead, and you can’t kill the fort by yourself on a 3 vs 1.