Strongest hero lore-wised?

hmm Diablo and all the Lords of Hell have more in store than their physical prowess. The thing is you can never defeat any of them. Deathwing who is overwrought with ambitions to spread terror would no doubt incarnate Diablo from within him even if he defeated Diablo.
Unless Deathwing thinks to trap Diablo in the soulstone there is no hope for him in the long run. D3 very much ignores that part of the lore but it’s how it works.

Imagine a DW lone wanderer, that’d be awesome ;D
DW would no doubt use the soulstone with Diablo to increase his own power and it would corrupt him so much until DW becomes Diablo’s puppet.

Unless Diablo can only possess people from Leoric’s family, as seems to be implied post-D3-retcons :stuck_out_tongue:

Ont topic:
I think Diablo is out because the “scale” of the games is just not as massive (which makes sense, a more “intimate” setting works better for a horror-ish tone than if there were millions of combatants on each side).

For example, the biggest effect that we see in Diablo (AFAIK) is the destruction of the Worldstone turning Mt. Arreat into the Arreat Crater. That’s it, one mountain blown up (though an admitedly huge one).
Comparatively, both Warcraft and Starcraft have entire planets blown up by magical effects (Draenor turning into Outland and Sargeras slashing plantes apart int WC; the Spear of Adun “Aaldrean-ing” Shakuras in SC).

The level of “spectacle” is just much greater in the other franchises (and OW doesn’t even get as far as Diablo, with the gratest feat I know of being Doomfist supposedly bringing down a skyscraper with a punch).

Then, if we compare who would win a 1v1, it’s a tough choice and depends on a lot of factors (for example, Diablo can’t be truly destroyed, but does that mean he didn’t lose?), so it’s hard for me to give an answer there.

However, if we’re thinking about “who is better at fighting massive armies”, the I’d say Kerrigan.
Sure, Arthas pulled the “canonically kills the PC” feat, which is mighty impressive, but it was what, 40 foes?
Meanwhile, Kerrigan can single-handedly annihilate armies (and does so a couple times in the last mission of WoL :stuck_out_tongue: ).

Archimonde would probably be up there with Kerri (he destroys a city with a single spell, and then wrecks the combined armies of Orcs, Elves, and Humans, though he does that with his own army at his side)… But Archie is not in HotS, so who cares? :stuck_out_tongue:

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That is cuz everyone knows what a superpower Diablo is. He doesnt need this showmanship. :slight_smile:

So in other words, the more lore a character has means the more powerful he is… so its a popularity contest. I dont agree with this idea of feats. But that is just me.

I still stand by my original point – you cannot compare cross-universe properly.

Everyone saying Kerrigan OP but take a look at this

Would this have killed kerrigan?

LoL no, but you know, when your characters are gods is kinda hard to create tension in a story.

I’ll echo a bit of Gill’s sentiment in that cross-verse comparisons tend to be more complicated than some people really consider.

Your general author/group doesn’t say “gee, this is going to be on Death Battle or fan forums some day, so let’s calc some picojoules and newtons and whatever and really figure out the scope of our plot”

Generally the longer a series goes, the more dire the consequences of the plot become – the stakes get raised – but your ‘god killing hero’ can still just as soon as take an arrow to the knee, or an axe in the back if it were, and they’re out for the count.

Stories tend to follow a ‘rule of cool’ and add in extra effects because it visual flare, or special effects or this that or another resonate better with an audience than a megaton times x whatever calc on power scopes.

Similarly, some fan comparisons tend to make up rules that doesn’t really have to apply to the situation (“equal and opposite reactions, therefore character ‘x’, can withstand that explosion”) because the capacity for these ‘powers’ to even exist tends to mess up ‘physics’ or ‘laws’, as we know them, as is.

D3 is a oddball imo because the whole nephalem plot is both shark jumping, and a bit of a buzzkill on the tension of the story. I’d be more inclined to think the victory over Diablo and Malthael is more circumstantial rather than just “oh, their birthright is just that OP”

“Strongest” type comparisons tend to assume that cuz ‘x’ character was beat by ‘y’ character, therefore ‘y’ character is stronger. Some people can break through walls without any tools; just trained fisticuffs and the right spot. Cool. Some snake bites are lethal. Just because the snake killed ‘x’ person doesn’t mean that snake is going to break through a wall.

So in that sense, I’d be more inclined to think mankind’s victories in D3, and expansion, are more circumstantial than just “The hero is *justI that OP” Here’s Diablo sitting in the midst of heaven trying to unmake his diametric opposite and ‘win’ an eternal battle; I’d think being in the heart of heaven to be more taxing on it then they’d think and it’s less “Diablo Prime” was utterly defeated, but the unstable power of the black soulstone gave way. (old NES platformer, the hero just has to hit the weakspot a dozen times to win!)

Similarly, part of the gimmick of Malthael is his state of ‘undeath’, and the player syncs that state with the help of the family/friends/whatever. Okay, so they’re a spiritbomb type thing, cool. Simlarly, would malthael taking in the black soulstone really do anything for him?

That pretty much seems like ‘rule of cool’ manifest. Okay, he’s on the ropes, so he’s going to try something desperate, and may have just undercut himself in the process. Yea, there’s the “Tyrael saw them obliterated” comment, but I’m not so sure it’s “totally annihilated” and instead just “He Izualed himself” (Lore books in D3 point out that Izual, or rather his ‘replacement’ has spawned from the Crystal Arch, but it was revealed that Izual respawned from the burning hells instead; if Malth joined with the essense of the main evils, he may has just gotten tangled up in their mess)

But that’s more ‘wishiful’ thinking on my end as a aspiring writer and prefer super power creep being the deus ex machina of my stories. Esp if there’s gonna be a sequel.

So that bit aside, the main thing going for some D3 feats is that Diablo has super door opening powers! WoOOOOOooo Act 2 Leah blows up a door (after a really long time) instead of, I dunno, the crazy powerful nephilim just pushing the handle; and then Diablo screams open the pearly gates

We don’t see the Neph corrupting/unmaking realities in their wake, we just seem them drop the HP of one thing by hitting it enough times.

In Starcraft and Warcraft, hitting stuff to lower HP is a valid strategy; Kerrigan has been impaled, cut, zapped, etc etc; a big point for her is regrowing lost parts, and not necessarily being immune to a well placed bullet set in her eye. Malfurion (who is kinda lacking in mention in this topic) took an axe in the back when he’d pretty much otherwise just wave his hand and cyclone everyone away; or super roots people to oblivion or whatever whatever.

Yea, I get Warcraft is ORCS and HUMANS, and other factions are lucky if the writers remember those characters exist, let alone know how to deal with the ‘power’ shown from one expansion/book to the next, but aspects of that lore are fairly unbecoming for characters to… unmake themselves for the convenience of the plot.

So some of the back-and-forth of these topics are frustrated by the “LORE” people want to use because a key part of the escalation of affairs follows “rule of cool” rather than the almighty power creep players like to imagine for ‘winner takes all’.

Power Scaling assumptions are a bad call and many of the listed characters are prone to the ‘snake bite’ wins type scenarios because in a lot of cases, the ‘scope’ of damage in that universe doesn’t really change, even if they got to level 10, 20, or paragon 8889 in-game.

But all that said, all that written, clearly the most overlooked answer to this is in one neglected detail: who has the most love?

Afterall, love is the most powerful force in the universe.

Whenever there is terror. Diablo wins ;D

What’s that D3 Retcon? D3 basically turned all Nephilim into Super Sayans and Diablo just gets vaporized together with the other 6 evils in him… They throw him back into the soulstone and put him underground… then Malthael takes him for some reason only to be defeated and the Horadrim prbly just put the stone back underground again… where its evil will corrupt whoever is closest to it. Slowly sowing ambitions of conquest and destruction until finally they are all set free again hundreds of years in the future… ye…
They really like to play the waiting game those evils ;D

You can also view it as an infinite losing streak for Diablo since no matter how many times he reincarnates he will always get pwned by some rookie Nephilim and a fallen angle ;D

What’s a dbz character?


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Pictures are worth 1000 words

This is like the least you have ever typed. So used to seeing write a wall

That picture is worth 10 words.

I’ve written less :stuck_out_tongue:

The D1 Warrior/D2 Dark Wanderer was just a guy, it was a D3 retcon that turned him into Prince Aidan, son of Leoric and older brother of Albrecht (Albrecht was Diablo’s host in D1, and was explicitly refered to as “King Leoric’s only son” several times in the manual and quest text and such, which is why I say the Aidan thing is a retcon).

Thus, post-D3-retcon, it turns out that every single mortal host that we know Diablo has ever taken was from Leoric’s dynasty:
Leoric himself, though he couldn’t completely take over, so he moves to his son Albrecht, but that one gets killed and immediately replaced by his brother Aidan, who becomes the Dark Wanderer and eventually dies, but it turns out

Spoiler :P

He had a Horrocrux in the form of his daughter Leah

That’s why I half-jokingly say that it’s possible Dibbles can’t posses a host that isn’t related by blood to Leoric

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Technically, Diablo fought a Nephalem exactly once that I know: at the end of D3 act 4. The other times, he was beaten by humans.

Yes. Humans in the Diablo games are descended from Angels and Demons, which is why they can be so powerful, but they are not necesarily Nephalem.

The Worldstone sealed away their “Nephalem-ness” (so the D1 and D2 player characters were not technically Nephalem), and after its destruction only some people can re-awaken it (for… Some reason?).

But the “losing streak” joke is still funny :stuck_out_tongue:

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The whole ancient Nephalem civilization story is a bit wonky.
The Nephalem Rifts in the D3 end game suggest that Nephalim used to be pretty common and they had games to see who can slay more demons in the Rifts.
I never understood how they just let their powers get sealed away with the Worldstone. They should have been more than powerful enough to take on both Heaven and Hell ;D

While they were all Humans in D1 and D2 they were still super strong and defeated Diablo at the end of both games didn’t they? I think Diablo was the end boss in both games.

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I’m not sure, but they might not have seen it coming.
I never read the Sin War trilogy (I don’t even know if they sell that stuff here in Mexico), but my understanding is that the sealing was done by Inarius (the same Inarius who created the Nephalem together with Lilith), because he realized after the fact that he might have made an oopsie.
So he probably did it in a more “complot-y” way without having to beat the ancient Nephalem into submission first (?)

Diablo was the end boss of D1 and D2-without-expansion, but in D1 he apparently “lost” on purpopse in order to get a better body (his first host, Albrecht, was a child during D1)… 'Cause apparently, he predicted that the hero would stab himself in the head with the Soulstone XD

As for his defeat in D2, apparently the “Book of Cain” claims that the warrior still had some measure of control, and helped the heroes by making Diablo hold back (again, not sure on this one. I read somewhere online that the Book of Cain says that, but I don’t even know if the book is available in my country).

If that’s true, I guess you could extend the same argument to D3: Leah would have less control over the 7 Evils than Aidan did over one, but she might still have helped out (?)

Don’t forget about “power potatoes”, characters built up to be incredibly strong but get wasted simply to show how powerful the main character is.


Hard to say, but here is my top 5 list, also only counting characters, not their skined versions, like for example Prime Evil Diablo.

  1. Nephilim (Sonya,Valla,Nazebo…etc)
  2. Malthael
  3. Deathwing
  4. Diablo
  5. Ragnaros
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  1. Nephilim from D3
  2. Deathwing
  3. Diablo (HotS Diablo is Prime Evil Diablo, if it was any other version he wouldn’t even be on my list of top 10)
  4. Malthael
  5. Beach skin Tychus
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