Stop trying to get free wins

I would like a change to convection, they could make it a gambit talent, though I guess it already is. I wouldn’t want any major buff’s to KT as he’s fine and I don’t want huge headaches from people complaining about him being OP again! It’s also been fun to draft him in appropriate comps in SL again.

His winrate overall is not even that high. He is on pair with Nova winrate wise and gets countered so easy now when we got heroes with mobility and sustain that out class him.

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I don’t want a major buff either, but just a small one to fix Convection, because it is now it’s never worth it to me over Mana Addict, because his mana issues are just too great, even if I take Mana Tap. My idea would be that they should give Convection the globe effect like on Mana addict, so only the difference would be that Mana Addict gets you the shield (defensive) while Convection gives you the damage, but both gives him mana.


same, not going against another damn zagara, she is just amazing solo laner, decent teamfight hero, good 1v1, amazing double soak and can solo most bosses all at the same time.
ALL the the SAME, TIME.

This game didn’t always have op heroes, but I strongly believe that going forward it always will. The only time I actually felt like every hero was balanced and unique, meaning they were good at a particular job and did it in a different way was during Alpha. Don’t feel that way anymore, I mean at it’s heart there are a handful of actual roles needed. 1 assassin, 2 sustained damage, 3 mage, 4 aoe, 5 tank, 6 healer, 7 cc, 8 wave clear, 9 team fighter 10 stealth. You can probably come up with more and subdivided based on melee/ranged, but at the end of the day there are not that many roles and now we just have multiple heroes in the same role with an obvious winner. My point is, we are no longer at the point where each hero is unique and fufills a unique role. Now people just look through and find out which of the 10 assassins does the most burst, or which of the 10 sustained damage is the most op, etc.

Ever since I started playing Zag in QM. I don’t play against her anymore.

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LOL maybe the poster above you?


This post is a troll post, please report.

Not just any poster, but the self-proclaimed “best Medivh player EU/NA.”

I’m not kidding.


This post is a troll post, please report.

The best Medivh ever, makes the Sgt. Hammer an example of pure modesty in comparison.

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That “best Medivh” can’t even dodge deez nuts.