Stop Picking Aba in Bronze

If you are not playing on a stacked team, then stop picking Aba. Bronze players can NOT 4 man. They will just die and get steam rolled. It happens every time and I’m sick of it! You are literally int throwing the game in Draft when you do this.
Bronze teams do NOT build around Aba play. They just don’t understand how it works, so stop doing it. Every aba in bronze has a 30% and below WR… ya why? Because IT DOESN’T WORK!
Yes lets pick Aba last pick with a Sonya/Tass/Lili on Shire so we have nothing to defend shrines with or at least get a pick. That will work so well. I just don’t get why the game is so hard for people to understand. It’s not that hard to get.
Every time Aba is picked my team gets steamrolled.

I think you underrestermate how bronze league is now compared to 4 years ago.
I got a Bronze 5 friend and he sometimes show me replays of his games and some bronze players looks like they are diamond players skill wise.

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Yes I understand that, and been in Bronze 5 for the past 2 seasons. I’ve been coached by a GM player… (just trying to get out of B5. He even said it was insane that I was only getting 25 points per win. Once you get in B5 if you don’t win all of your games which is near impossible you will be grinding all season just to get to B4 where you get 200 points for a win) and he was saying the same thing. Yes I do have some great Aba’s in very few and I mean few of my games, but the majority are very bad and they pick just to troll or not in the right comp.

No potatoeAba, no potatoeButcher, no potatoeMurky, no potatoeVikings, no potatoeDeathwing, no potatoeChogall and no potatoeNova, please…

My theory in that is that over the years players have gotten more skilled in their heroes but never learn the fundamentals of macro/map awareness/etc

Decision making essentially

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I’ve gotten out of b5 4 times now, including a couple times this season. If a GM was coaching you then it did be easy to win 90% of your games in b5. Yes there will be some afk trolls but it’s still ready to climb out at 20 points a match.

I had no problems with abba picks in bronze. You fight against the abba and usually that ends in a loss. Try to encourage them and ask for help by pinging yourself so the abba can hat you when camping/team fighting and ask them to mine the bosses and spots where you need information. That’s what I do. Currently up to silver 3 from a bronze 4 dip.

Yep. I got one today, after I picked Illidan. The game lasted less than 20 minutes, and I had the hat for about 20 seconds through the entire game. His excuse for never hatting me: “Illidan keeps diving their team.”

You could encorage those potatoes more by reporting them for everything!