Stitch -> ------- omg

Hello blizzard,

I remember 1,2 years ago when you did what you call a “up” of butcher, you actually made him really bad. No self heal anymore, slower, more dependent of his team because he has to make those 200 Frags to get a real weight in the team. Before Butcher was much better and I still think so. You nerfed him.

Now this is the time for stitch, I use to have a 60 % winrate with him, and with your “up” he became totally useless in my eyes and for 2 reasons:
He loose his lvl 16 Def talent, so he is weaker.
He lose is dps with lvl 13 Monster pop.
I haven’t be raped so much since I play him. He his more dependent of his team, and get raped more than before.

You must consider that people of middle or low level cannot expect much help and responsiveness from their team than people of high level, People who can play very well as a team.

It is the second time so now I can understand that a “UP” means actually a Nerf.