Step by Step Stabilization Measures

This shouldn’t be hard work for however many people and so-called resources are available, albeit I’m a layman minus the laying. Considering the point is to make all the other effort - past and present - count and potentially extend a lifeline to future development these aren’t frivolous ideas. The balance changes and reworks, even the few new heroes and skins they make, are what is insignificant in the big picture. I don’t understand what is so difficult about seeing the big picture. I suppose there is a certain comfort in burying your head and just doing what is expected of you despite its futility as long as your job or prospects are stable, or at least not additionally threatened. Ugh, what an attitude.

Right, I don’t get the insufficient budget, people, resources talk. The bundle is a bundle. Utilize the Quickmatch hero selection screen for bundle hero selection. It’s mostly basic logic and display alterations. The framework behind may be more involved but this has to be equivalent to tying your shoes as a professional. A currency is nothing but a number/variable, little drawing, and another button to click. Does unlocking heroes temporarily on demand really require back-breaking work? Maybe I underestimate the spaghetti code effect. Is a Boosts-like page the stuff of development nightmares? How hard would it be to wipe active Abusive Chat penalties and reset durations? Silences acting as actual silences has been the case in both this game and Overwatch in my experience.

The most stunning thing is how much persuasion doesn’t elicit even an acknowledgment. And to think these companies and people fancy themselves the pinnacle of anything. Where’s the spirit?

You any good with Photoshop? Maybe everyone is a visual learner. Nonverbal communication strongly preferred.

Sadly, no. I max out at waving my arms around for attention.

There you go. A post made about an hour later got a response from that dev:

Heroes Developer

Oops - I’ll throw in an “Additional functional” in the next one to even it out.

Heroes Developer

You’re a straight shooter with upper management written all over ya.

Priceless. Really captures what has been going on with this game.

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That’s pretty funny. :smiley:

Maybe loot boxes were upper management’s idea. There’s such a thing as being too much of a straight shooter. Sometimes you need to aim, or you know, think. What a clownish environment. These people have an actual tendency to respond to stuff like this! Beyond help. Maybe they’re insecure or something.

Well, whatever it is, makes for a pretty boring game and community. Happiness is subjective though. Some people settle for lame jokes and wasted potential.

here’s a thought: instead of celebrating yourself, and wondering why nobody else is, maybe you should try putting in some consideration in how people might try to interpret your wall. For as much as you laud yourself and your suggestions, it’s a ‘clownish environment’ that you don’t see the difference between your post and the gag you linked.

  1. your first several paragraphs do not get to the point. If someone is trying to figure out what you’re actually trying to convey, it is a mess you’re asking someone to drown in before they have an idea of what is going on.
  2. The tone is all over the place. “some guy named ‘lucifer’ told me to @ you”
    That isn’t going to read ‘a forumite suggested I use reddit for a suggestion"
    It’s going to read "an incarnation of the devil talks to me, and I decided to act on his advise’

"i’m told there are issues implementing my ideas, but I’m going to ignore those, pretend i’m awesome and ask people to ‘follow my madness’

  1. When you’re not praising yourself, you’re insulting, or insinuating inferiority, with anyone else bothering to read that that doesn’t subscribe to the ‘whatever it is’ that is written there.

So you have a arduously long intro, a pointless bit of unspoken context that obfuscates the writing, uncertain tone, and shifts, with meta-text that needs someone to be in ‘the know’ to figure out if you’re being honest/serious/joking/insulting/memeing/whatever on top of needing a hefty bit of time investment to try to decipher what you mean, if you actually mean it, and then need to figure out if it’s even remotely worth considering the idea.

For all the patting-on-the-back going on there, it seems like none of that really occurred to you through the proof-reading process, esp when some parts of it contradict itself. “I’m told that the staff have budget/personal issues…” What that can indicate is that of the people on the project, they have more going on than there are hours in the day, so they have to prioritize how they spend their team in consideration of pro/con for short and longer-term changes.

A quick gag with a picture: easy skim, easy response.
A long post with a mess of stuff to figure out? Not an easy skim, not an easy response.
What you’ve posted is effectually a ‘loaded question’ and is like asking someone ‘when did you stop beating your spouse’. That question isn’t one answered with agree/disagree, so it’s not going to get the ‘answer’ someone ‘wants’.

Based on the other topic you’ve made, it seems you taking the approach of thinking ‘nobody agrees with my ideas’ to be the same thing as ‘nobody wants change’.
It takes a hefty bit of not-reading to draw that conclusion, and given what sort of stubbles your post has, it seems like you didn’t really read it through either, so that kinda begs the question: why would anyone else?


Lvl 3

I’m a “member”. What level is that and how do you progress?

As far as I know, the requirements are:

  1. Visited at least 50% of last 100 days
  2. Replied to at least 10 different topics
  3. Must have viewed 500 topics
  4. Must have read 20,000 posts
  5. Received 20 likes, and given 30 likes
  6. No more than 5 spam or offensive flags
  7. Must not have been suspended once

But Its fine I can link it

Your image.

jots down on bucket list

Just to know… do you have any IT background? VG Developer? Software Engineer? Anything?
Because you seem to think that just re-using a screen like the quickmatch one is simple as copy/paste the content of an Excel cell…

Just to let you know, there are about 1.6M files embedded in the HotS installation on your PC (the “client” side) and god-knows-how-many on the Blizzard site (the “server” side). While the current bundles are “fixed”, that is they are “simpler” to code, what you propose as “interactive” bundles would need serious adjustments and coding on both the client and server sides… and “just adding another currency/field” like silver and purses, with all the implications of the case like screens and payments, would take extensive work.

Let’s make an educated guess, looking at the time needed for the last patches… 8 to 9 months (the best case, where the Classic Team looks only at HotS during this time)? Do You really think the execs at Blizzard would let the team (which has to maintain 4 games) give full attention to a game they consider as “case closed”?

Well, if you think you’re capable just send your CV to Blizz, i think they’re looking for some Senior Devs :slightly_smiling_face:



I think it’s unfortunate that mods would step in when someone like Xenterex gets put in his rightful place but whatever. Let me skip all the filler and get to the only recent comment that is remotely applicable to the ideas.

For some reason this educated IT professional is under the impression that the words “fixed” and “interactive” aren’t common knowledge. What I did was go a step further and discuss the differences entailed in going from fixed to interactive, as an actual educated IT professional would reason. The interaction consists of:

  1. Clicking a field that allows you to select its value utilizing a fully functional existing feature (quickmatch hero selection). All 3.9B files coming as a package like calling up a giant function, object, program, whatever in coding with the ease of a name. That’s how actual high level IT professionals greatly facilitated coding because as opposed to showing off they were trying to get things done. Would it necessarily be as simple as that? No, but I would expect this to be closer to actual implementation than your attempt to make yourself look knowledgeable.
  2. Adding and subtracting fields. About as basic of a function as exists. If the developers lack budget and resources to an extent that they can’t do this Blizzard needs to stop hiring from its communities.
  3. Dynamic pricing based on selection and enabling purchase upon minimum requirement of heroes. This is programming 101.

Same thing. I walked through what adding another currency literally entails, with the screens.

Previously I had already mentioned that with respect to payments there is zero difference - player makes payment, player gets currencies. Payment is already in place. The most challenging aspect may be the temporary unlocks, but yet again it would be surprising if the solution would be difficult.

There’s a strange aspect to this community. People feel the need to be knowing yet they really misunderstand how to go about it, choosing to pretend.

I’d be far more suitable for Game Director, and I would need authority to override dummies higher up the hierarchy as well.

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Hard to break this down any further. This is some of the simplest stuff conceivable and people are acting like it’s a big deal. What can you do. It’s not like anyone has competing quality ideas or even premises for what to do with this game; people just hang out in this place and bemoan the circumstances of the game. Do you even like the game? So strange. They know better too! lol The strange psychology of “community” gamers.

As far as “client” side and “server” side are concerned, which are again amusingly basic terms to try to talk down to someone with abstractly (shows how much you actually know), they are two sides of the same coin. When you have explicitly simple and ordinary changes on the client side you would only have a nightmare on the server side if something highly illogical is going on there.

So take the bundles. They are comprised of heroes whose individual prices are added up and multiplied by (1 - discount percentage / 100). What logical impediment would there be to players selecting heroes whose individual prices are summed and multiplied by (1 - discount percentage / 100)? This is literally a Programming [sub-]101 exercise at a community college (I write from experience here), although really it’s a problem any introductory student at whatever age could encounter early. With Heroes of the Storm a visually attractive interface is crucial but those components are already there.

The only way that changing bundles in the manner I have described in detail could be problematic is if bundles were designed/coded in an oddly specific manner I frankly can hardly think of. This would mean that HotS has had bad, poorly educated, unprincipled coders. It’s not a budget/resources thing, it’s a numbskulls thing. I can’t write to how rotten Blizzard is on the inside. I presume their incompetence… let’s use terms everyone would understand, is “rare” rather than “legendary”. If it’s legendary then sure, you need to throw money into the furnace in order to get anything done. The game is already toast in this scenario.

The coin purses and currency are also ordinary and on trodden ground. The purses need a Boosts-like page - background art/drawing, description, object graphics that when clicked go to a page with the same graphic and information, and money buttons. What’s the big deal? You get your currencies, just put silver on the three pages where you use hero-unlocking currencies and on the top bar. It works like the other currencies except the unlock is temporary. Is there something really weird on the server side that makes temporarily unlocking heroes on demand hugely problematic? I don’t know. But if you can’t solve problems like this you shouldn’t be employed, imo. Someone shouldn’t have been employed, anyway.

I don’t understand how you people pretend to understand complexity. By all means, if you have anything specific in mind as opposed to 1.6M embedded files in the HotS installation go ahead and mention it. Otherwise don’t bother making any “educated guesses” as the education seems to be absent.

In fairness, when you think about the free hero rotation not being updated you wonder about the “server” side. Maybe the free hero rotation isn’t predetermined and there is a manual component… I don’t know how that happened, but account-specific hero unlocking goes without a hitch. No one really knows feasibility details, hence why you want awake developers who can think beyond the narrow scope of their regular tasks. Something like this may never even reach them. lol