berating me and blocking me is somehow ? making my life more miserable
if anything most of these people shut up after ‘‘blocking’’ then cry we lost a qm match
i’m not ranting im laughing because it like lol okay? thanks for doing my job for me?
and honestly this the only game i see raging trolls behave like that other games they don’t stop raging but in hots they seem to censor themselves by threatening to block you lol
seeing how i have some idk strange people this is an actual question not a rant or rage i made it mid way of a que which is extremely long at night so before i get more people like some dude below coming in here just lets clear that up
They’ll do anything to get under your skin. I don’t see many people online admit they’re wrong very much. They just want to make you look stupid or foolish so they can either cover up their own mistakes, or make them feel better about themselves.
I’ve seen it everywhere. In game. On facebook, and even here on these forums.
Best thing to do is ignore it before it gets under your skin. You’re not you when you’re tilted.