Some guys dont know why we lose

Some guy named Enigma keeps telling us we are trash but just keeps hitting the tank. Silver like me but thinks like a plat or master. What a tool.

See him just mute. Not fun playing with guys who cant aim but talk badly.

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You dont change do ya?

And yeah its dumb to not focus the tank sometimes just kill the HP ball and roll over their team after.

Some dont focus the tank when they should and teams focus is split in 2 because of them and no kills happen.

Once when watching a streamer in Silver who has never gotten above Gold 5,enemy Stitches was behind the streamers team and all the streamer did was scream “just ignore stitches”

Takes literally 3 seconds from the team to kill the tank but instead they pushed to the enemy gates trying to focus the healer while stitches got them low because apparently tanks are invulnerable in Silver and then gorged and killed the teams healer.

Meanwhile the streamers followers somehow think the streamer should be way higher in the ranked ladder :sweat_smile:

Learn to focus the tank sometimes.

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And what? The 25% health Guldan and 50% health Raynor not as important as a Stitches with high health being constantly healed by Lucio?

Sorry, unless that tank is dealt with, then he is just keeping us away while Raynor and Guldan just wail at us constantly.

It depends on who you can focus safely and who you cant, if your illidan has to dive towers to get to them it might be a better idea to focus stitches, if they are as extended as stitches, of course you focus the low hp targets.

Also if no towers are present you could just walk past stitches, kill the assassins as an assassin if that doesnt leave your own backliners without any safety, Stitches cant peel almost at all, hes a pick tank.

There is no 1 rule to tell who to focus really as its completely situational.

Its all about what your comp can do safely and what it cant, screaming focus morales to Illidan if the enemy has Diablo and Muradin is useless and dumb and will just get him killed.

All im saying is that when you say:

It doesnt tell anything about what he was doing was wrong or right.

Predetermining a focus target or selecting some targets as “never-focus” are some of the worst things you could do as a team.
Going for a heavily protected healer is bound to be the most wrong play possible. Ignoring a heavily out of position tank is another huge mistake on the other side of the same spectrum - it actually makes his terrible out of position play into a power-play.

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They were all in a group, but the Guldan and Morales were out of position and Raynor was right in the face of our tank, hitting behind us while that guy just ignores Raynor and goes for the tank that is just CC’ing everyone with Stitches ult.

Raynor is doing more damage but still gets quad kill on that alone…

Tunnel vision on a single target is always bad. Hitting the best target of opportunity for you is generaly the correct choice. Often times this will be the tank, but it is all relative.

Gosh, its never as simple as “always ignore the tank” or “focus fire the tank”.

There are so many variebles that dictate how you should approach the team figth. If you have good divers (like Greymane, Kerri, Smash Varian) and a healer that can support dives (like Uther), then ofc you should ignore the tank and race for their squishies.

However, if your team has stronger tank busters like Malth or Tychus then ofc you want to race down their tank first.

There is also a possibility that your team has better sustain and just wants to deal a lot of aoe dmg to make another team retreat for mana. Or you have Stitches/Garrosh/Artanis and rely on catching enemy off guard.

There is no simple answer to " hit tank or no" question. Blaming the game outcome on your team because they focused the tank without seeing the bigger picture is something people mostly do in lower leagues.

Honestly I dont think I heard to stupid argumeny even once on master league.

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