SOAK! for the love of light

Idk what it is but every time i go in SL im chilling around silver with maybe a 56 to 68% win rate and when i start getting gold. the team does not care about THE BIGGEST RESOURCE TO GET STRONGER as a team. All the way up to diamond players wanna brawl for objectives that take around a min to cap. it seems gold an up feels like Aram with extra steps.
For new players in most ranks if you have team that has sick wave clear… use it. I mean just abuse it. make them chase you for it. the fight will come on its own and on your terms when you big boi strong. Small vent but i hate when i say “hey 4v5, be care. im gonna catch this/stop this camp from getting free fort and be there” and they all die goin HARD 4v5 and like… “where were you? why didnt you join our Jones town meeting? we all said we drink this koolaid” and the rest of the game they suddenly become writers while feeding the hungry


I would rather play in bronze before I would gold cause of all of this. Its true cause even in plat and diamond people do the same crap. Exp wins games, not team fighting, not split pushing, just win soak and you will win more games lol

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I agree with that and the best example for it is that Nazeebo, or Orphea. Why do you think that Nazeebo is strong? He is actually not because you need minions to get at least 200 stacks with level 20 quest.

naz need 175 stacks to unlock 20

Anyone with half a clue knows that soak is important. The problem is when you get teammates that put too much focus on it and barely do anything else.

Good players are able to soak and move around the map getting picks, camps, etc, while also helping in team fights and objectives.

trust me you dont want bronze , I have had games with 3 healers and a deathwing. it is not even play able down here. the game is dead and no support they need to shut it down or fix it. I have a feeling that they wont do either.

Its no different in diamond. Had a game where we locked 4 mages. Needless to say that game was a loss.