So you're level 500+ on your main? How cute

Excuse me? Its 2^32 - 1 :rage:


My lvl is 101 and wr around 55% by now and raised her from 90lvl after rework, so i could say she depends on rotation alot right now cuz good position behind fat guys is one deal but as i said she cant be named assasin 1vs1 in fair battle.

All the more a reason i canĀ“t have it! Do you need to rub it in? :sob:

I just canā€™t control myself when people arenā€™t accurate with numbers.

i hate being a nerd.


You can always add it to your post :stuck_out_tongue:

But anyway, here quickly a few that can have a significant boost to the xp gained possible:
Vikings (50% deathtime reduction at level 20)
Cho (50% deathtime reduction at level 20)
Murky (can be worth .25 kill each 5 seconds)
Leoric (trait allows a lot faster respawns)
(i dont know how long mishas respawn is, but if its less than 16s, its going to be faster to repeatedly kill the bear rather than rexxar himself. beyond 17 seconds its not going to be beneficial)
Auriel (can resurect a dead teammate. Works best on chogall)

Quest oriented respawn reductions that arent permanent are excluded, this means no diablo or kelthuzad.

So with this info i would suspect a team of Vikings, Cho, Gall, Leoric, Auriel:
In these the vikings and cho gall already couse double the death ratio.
As leoric is feeding a lot on you, he reduces the respawn time by 15 seconds easily. A 25% reduction of respawn time.
Aurielā€™s resurect automaticly chargest over time and allows her to be death while waiting. So instead of being killed every 65 seconds, it is 80 seconds for her (lets make it less optimal and state ~90 seconds). But due to resurecting chogall, she triggers 2 additional deaths in that. (effectively still providing 1 death every 30 seconds.

So thats worth 4 heroes who double their xp gain. And 1 hero which adds about 25%. An improvement of about 85% in time efficiency. So instead of being required to play for 1.12 megaannum, we can do it in about 0.6
Totaly worth it!

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That looks much more feasable!:joy: but certainely much more effective !