So you're level 500+ on your main? How cute

How are they all the same level though? I say it was edited.

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This is normal when the unassigned 32 bit value overflows, results in the following number of 2^32 - 1, also known as 32 1s in binary (11111…11(2), 32 times).

I can’t specify what happened exactly but basically in unassiged values you cannot go below 0 to -1 and instead will go to 4294967294, this is also true if you add 1 to 4294967294 which will take you back to 0 instead of going to the next number.

A perfect example I can shed some light on is 32 bit computer clocks, according to sources and stuff I read, the calendar for a 32 bit software will die somewhere in the year 2038 where the software becomes completely useless and probably breaks entirely, it even pushes the calendar date back to the year 1901.

Yes this is an example a on signed value unlike the one above but still the same point applies


It all happened because after a game or two I checked my profile to reply to this thread: Who are your most played heroes THIS SEASON? - #8 by Tydal-21366

When I closed my browser after posting and went back to HotS my profile was still opened and all my hero levels had overflowed as SamiSha says. The error was - fortunately - just on the client side and everything went right after I closed my profile and re-opened it, though it’d have been cool to appear as a HotS God to everyone for a while.

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So you figured out how to time travel.

There must have been something better to do with the technology.


27 games on chilly bones, damn. I’ve been in exp farm games, but that’s a whole new meta. Did each game last one month since his release or what?

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as abathur you can…

i belive this is fake


Gotta love those 100,000,000,000% Exp boosters!


i actually already covered the time it would take, scroll up and you’ll see approximately how long lol


Actually real known bug, just a value overflow.

Yep, in a far, far future, my grand-grand-grand-grand-[…]-grandchildren have inherited my account and played so much they reached these levels with my favourite heroes.
But dad, that’s almost as old school as VR!

Did you by any chance check your roster tab? Would have loved to know if your heroes had golden borders (level 15+).

Some heroes can make it slighly more efficient because due to their multibody state, they can cause more respawns.

For example the vikings, Beyond level 20 their respawn timer can be halved due to a talent. This allows you to kill them a lot more often, and if they have play again, thats 2 more kills each 80 seconds.
This can give him a double xp rate. And therefor save up a potential 15% of time required for a game.

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My brain almost died reading this. Good info tho!

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I have completely overlooked that mechanic ! A big thanks for thinking about it because i completely missed that aspect lol

The worst part of all this is that it looks like you main Chromie. So sad. She is just awful after her rework.

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Agree, top level of masochism to lvl Chromie right now, cuz everyone can win against her 1vs1 and she has no any escape, traps are useless and mostly setups Chromie useless.

Looks like we have an l2p issue here (and not quite the topic either).


Looks like we have chromophobia here.

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I might not have a level of 2^32, but i guess lvl. 50 with a 55% winrate on her this season is sufficient for that statement.

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