So you're level 500+ on your main? How cute

Now get on my level you noob.

Edit: If anyone wants an explanation of how this happened see this post.


I guess you can win games simply by being in them and witing in the starting zone by now.

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Take a moment to realize how much XP that would require to reach that level.

Most likely in the quintillions…


Level 2^32 I see, the values overflow lel.


As Ana says, experience always wins in the end. :sunglasses:

2^32 - 1, that makes me wonder if that’s because level 0 is coded in the game in some way?

Lets calculate:
4294967295 x 1200000 = 5153960754000000
But that doesnt exclude the lower values from the first 11 levels (and level 1 being 0). So we have to reduce the values from those.
5153960754000000 - (1200000 x 11) = 5153960740800000
And now add each individual value of the level 2 to 11 (which when added together is 6350000)
5153960740800000 + 6350000 = 5153960747150000

or with dots:
But that doesnt tell the entire story. Because we still need to know how much playtime it takes to obtain that if optimized to the max.

I know from many games that missing values are often coded as -1. Maybe 0 was already taken out of this and overflown to become 2^32. Which in this case would still give the -1.

Although unlikely, they probably would just use the default way whatever coding language uses, and 0 would be existing by default in that case.

The result for -1 would be the same in both cases anyway so there is no need to go away from the standard method.


I feel disturbance in the Nexus.


h…how old are you?. th…that would mean you lived after the end of the world continued playing with who knows who? and focused on hots and only hots but how are you immortal? teach me the secrets of jedi master yoda!


All integer datatypes start at zero, which is why the highest number is 2^bits-1, with the total number of numbers representable being 2^bits.

The above datatype used seems to be an unsigned integer, as it represents double the max value of a signed integer; the value “-1” is not representable in an unsigned type. The max number is simpy one less due to aforemention quote.

Why levels do no start at 0 is a whole different question, maybe just personal preference or aesthetics.


There are languages where even unsigned types still have a signing bit for null.
But even without that, casting a signed integer to unsigned can already cause overflows (or better said, ‘not properly casting’).

The reason to not start at 0, is because 0 is very unnatural as way to count because it more often state of not having any. Starting at 1 is for most people more logical. So yes, aesthetics is most likely the case.


What’s most amusing is how you only have 224 games played. Apparently there’s an ultra super quadruper stimpack I am unaware of.


The black magic you used for this is strong! :smile:


everyone can easily see this would be fake due to the level and game played disparities however i wanted to push that a bit further .

Level XP Required
1 0
2 100k
3 250k
4 400k
5 500k
6 600k
7 700k
8 800k
9 900k
10 1000k
11 1100k
12 1200k

this is a visual showing the amount of XP needed to get to lvl 12, from that point, lvl 13 and so on all have the same amount of XP needed to level up.

lets take the KTZ since that would be the most interesting one to play with these numbers.
the level shown is 4’294’967’295 with 27 games played.

level 1 to 12 = 7’750’000 XP
4’294’967’295 - 12 = 4’294’967’283
4’294’967’283 LvL X 1’200’000 XP = 5’153’960’739’600’000 XP
5’153’960’739’600’000 XP + 7’750’000 XP = 5’153’960’747’350’000
( yes at this point we are in the quadrillion of XP needed )

now given that an average win game can give you a various amount of XP ranging from 60k avg if you lose to 350k if you win + a FWoTD on insanely long games. i think its ok to go with the average of 160k per won game , ( since any more amount we would need to also add in the first win of the day bonus which is an other deal of its own).

so in order to reach this level , with the average amount of XP won in a normal game , a player would need to play 32’212’254’670 ( 32 billion games )

however we need to go further …

these are the possible in game bonus we can receive

XP Bonus Type
25% friend
50% full party
25% SL
100% Boost
45% 9 people boost

this give a possible total of 245% only IF :

  • you’re playing with at least one friend
  • have a full party
  • are playing storm League
  • have a currently active boost
  • AND that every single player of the game as a boost of their own!!

so , at this point our dear player would earn a whooping 552k of experience every game.
however will all these stacked bonus it would still mean the player would need about 9’336’885’411 games in order to get to that level that is also assuming if they win 100% of their games since any lost can cut that game’s XP by nearly half

but we can clearly see the KTZ only has only 27 games played … so what would need to be done in order to get to that level in so little amount of game played ?

this would mean the player in question would earn an average of 190’887’435’087’037 XP per game ( 190 trillion XP games !! )

well… maybe if they kill A LOT of people they could get there maybe ?
possibly… that would make them the player with the longest PVP environment killstreak in likely any video game ever created since they would require an average of 109’078’534’335 ( 109 BILLION KILLS …PER GAME!!! ) ( based on the fact that a kill at level 30 is worth 1750 XP )

if their team managed to kill anyone at the exact second they respawned ( given a team of 5 people ) it would mean about 1’308’942’412’020 seconds of pure waiting until someone gets back to kill them again.

which equates to :
21’815’706’867 minutes
363’595’114.45 hours
15’149’796.43 days
41’506.20 years

41.5 millenniums !! , this is how much time you need in order to get to that much XP , that is if you have a full party with you every time and ALL order boost requirement also aligns !

forget the 3000 second queues , because during that period, every part of your computer and its component has enough time to decompose completely over 40 time !!

also you have to consider the fact that this is only for 1 game of 1 character !
in the case of kel thuzad we would need to do this 26 more times !

the total would be 1.12 megaannum !
what is a megaannum you ask ?
well dear friend a megaannum is 1 million years !!


That’s like 10 days in brahma’s life. I always knew Tydal was special.


Well, you did put a lot of dedication into these calculations. Now pull up your sleeves and join me there!

I’m a Chromie main. Time means nothing to me.


well , you know ill be around when ever numbers are involved :rofl:

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But that’s just a theory, a game theory! /s

How long did it take you to calculate all of this btw


i didnt really noticed lol
time flies quite fast when i get into numbers XD


What is time if not a number? really makes you think


:open_mouth: a god!!

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