So with the release of Deathwing, what is the intent?

They had, the fire was just invisible for them this is why Valla literally rolled into his mouth.



But he does have an almost 70% i think he sat at 67% win rate just a few days ago. Once more % toons come out of the wood work he will get friedā€¦ greymanes silver bullet knocks 40% off dw hp every 30 seconds.

Yeah that Valla got melted she just ate that crapā€¦ that video is about 80% of the base players that complainā€¦ they are not hard mechanics to avoid.

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But less than Diablo when at 100 souls.

Deathwingā€™s main toughness is from armor which pushes his toughness to among the best in the game. However other heroes are still considerably tougher.

Yrel for example. If her enemies lack displace she has the ability to maintain 50% armor (more than Deathwing) throughout her entire health pool. She also has access to 40% damage debuff.

Like wise Cho Gall is also tougher than Deathwing due to his ability to maintain up to 50% armor throughout his entire health pool.

Both heroes have the weakness that CC can hit them most of the time. This means that they do receive extra damage from talents that proc off CCed enemies. However both are also targetable by allies allowing for healers and supports to reinforce their toughness in ways Deathwing cannot.

Clearly not. Deathwing is one of the easiest heroes to kill in Versus AI at the moment. Even if backed up by an annoying healer he dies very easily thanks to his inability to receive allied buffs.

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Learn to deal with himā€¦heā€™s not indestructible. There are many heroes that can best himā€¦but must be a raging post causeā€¦you donā€™t know how to beat him and/or you stood in the fire too longā€¦

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I really need to point this outā€¦ but EVEN if you do counter deathwing, he isnt the entire team so trying to cut him out of the game isnt going to work. Remember its a team based game. Right now the heatwave build is all the rage, but little do people suspect what I call stealthwing =D then you will see your world broken =D :exclamation:

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Lmfao thatā€™s great I love it when salty little sheets who donā€™t know how to do anything complain.

Try counter picking if youā€™re expecting him instead of playing one hero exclusively. Or do draft and ban him if you refuse to adjust your playstyle.

Their intent is to kill the IP so they dont have to support it anymore. Deathwing was the deathstroke for me.

Iā€™m underimpressed with DW. Heā€™s slow, simple to hit, canā€™t heal, totally avoidable . . . I mean, heā€™s underpowered given how easy he is to avoid.

Unfortunately, I think heā€™s like a lot of toons, he crushes bads who canā€™t dodge, donā€™t heal, and have no clue what they are doing.

That is most people now. I seriously canā€™t get people to even attempt the objective in about half of my games. Kids are logging on to mash buttons at each other . . . and ignore anything that isnā€™t hitting a hero. The game has devolved by encouraging snowflakes and discouraging competition, into a pathetic state of incompetence.

There is another thread on forums where someone is literally arguing that HoTs isnt a ā€œcompetitiveā€ game. Like, . . . people actually believe you arenā€™t supposed to be competiting.

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He has a 2-3 second wind up for every abilityā€¦ Right click out of the way.
Play a %hp based damage hero.
Those two things negate everything youā€™ve said.
Leoric can 1v1 stomp deathwing into uselessness.

To see the potatoes that run into Kaelā€™tasā€™ Q or Jainaā€™s blizzard do the same with that black chicken, obviouslyā€¦

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If youā€™re a ā€œvanillaā€ player and donā€™t know how to counter DW, you have wasted 5 years of your life learning nothing of this game. Just quit the game and play something more your speed like Candy Crush.

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If you are letting DW dominate you as such, i hate to break it to you; youā€™re doing EVERYTHING wrong.


I would argue that Qhira is more ā€œOPā€ than Deathwing, currentlyā€¦

I linked this to myself from my phone, to log in from my desktop, to say thank you for this reply.

IMO this season more than any other recent season made bigger changes to what heroes are ā€œmetaā€, and people are salty that they canā€™t keep playing the same hero every game 4 years in a row.

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It sounds like you yourself didnt play dw, doesnt understand how he functions and cant be bothered with how to counter him. I wish the mods would delete these types of posts.

Deathwing isnā€™t overpowered, it is just piss poor design to put in a hero that totally nullifies any stun, or displacement. I donā€™t feel like counting how many regular abilities have no function vs him, not to mention how many level 10s are uselessā€¦with some heroes having both lvl 10s useless vs him. Itā€™s about as bad of a design as you can possibly make.

A signal of the end times, of course

Deathwing is a bit overtuned and undertuned in some areas but youā€™re just a b!tch lol