So with the release of Deathwing, what is the intent?

Is this game play lower lvl then Bronze 5 ?

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Haha. Worst game i had with him had aba,liming,lili and GM as enemy. DW cant chase that team since all of em got movement.DW is strong only if he can stick to enemy comp.If he cant he will be poked to death.

He cant get to lili,li ming will blink from him and GM has a 30% permanent move speed buff after 13 while destroying DW. Its the ONLY game i felt rly weak. So yeah. Best counter to him is a comp he will have trouble sticking to.

Also his only good build in my opinion is AOE burn build. It just does soo much dmg its nuts. And i even use it when enemy have tycus + GM combo. After all its just knowing when to dive and murdering backline after his AOE is maxed on a tank.The lvl 1 protected plate will let me live and use shield + ulti to retreat and get back in with sky fall.

Wtf is this crap. He did not even pick AOE burn at 4. Also enemy played like potatos. No,even a real potato will play better i think. The only way this will work vs any decent comp is full AOE burn powered by lvl 1 talent for heal from wave and lvl 20 Destroyer desent.

Only that can pull off that and only if enemy sticks to him like morons.I never even use breath in tf. Like ever. used it a few times and mostly regretted it since i got nuked by naz,artanis beam or other nukes that only a moron will get hit by.Never picked ANY breath talent.