So... Will they rollback/reset apply quick fixes, or maybe take the game down once and for all?

You are mistaken. The fundamental difference between trueskill and elo is the uncertainty.

In ELO, the K factor, which I assume is your uncertainty, is fixed for everyone, while in trueskill/MMR it is variant for each player.

The underlying math is fine, implementation is bad.

Seems its like MMR reset without MMR reset. Unfortunately roughly 2 years late. Or 3…

I can tell for sure that you sir, aren’t as good as you claimed to be
If you are as good as you claimed to be, then you would know that there’s huge difference in silver vs diamond

1 high master player can’t deal with 2 diamond players, simply because when you are diamond for few seasons, you’re good enough to know how to play your heroes correctly.
The difference between silver and diamond is more than 2x

Nevertheless, too many pseudo Masters and Gml in the game. Need to fix it.

My impressions so far:

Storm League is the worst that has happened to HotS by a HUGE margin.
Everyone is plat and HL is removed. I’m really considering quitting after playing since late alpha.


How would you know that unless the system had succeeded in giving you exactly such matches?

And at what point was it doing so? Were people still complaining that the matchmaker was screwed up then?

Situacione cant be different for unfornately.Everyone play like that and feel.

if you want better MM or new metod MM…i did try out so many times to advesiting my topic suggested ideas and want we make out Blizzard focus seriose to my ideas and reply what they think.
But for unfornately my english languege is low lvl.

I guarantee you,the game would work better and be a lot improved.

Actually he is mostly correct on this point. The average diamond player may be better than the average silver player but there a lot of silver players stuck in silver due to bad matchmaking that can trash plenty of diamond players that climbed due to favorable matchmaking. Because of smurfs, trolls, and noobs, all getting placed in gold, win losses/are completely random and people climb that are bad and people fall that are good. The system can’t tell the difference between a master smurf and a total noob.

It’s not an impossible climb, it just makes it more difficult. It’s not entirely just random. Over a large enough size of games you’ll place where you belong eventually.

I’ve always admired this argument: “Sure, it works that way for most people, but I’m the special case that’s always targeted by the RNG!”

correct only at the point of bronze
after that, he’s just bluffing his way
he didn’t even had a clue how bad silver is compared to diamond
i can tell you for sure, that average diamond can smoke any silver easy

if you are good, you will climb up easily
yes, you might get trolls a long the way but it’s minimal
you get a lot more trolls in diamond and up
if what you said was true, then I won’t be able to climb up from bronze 3 to diamond 3 in 1 season (too bad they removed TL, there was no restriction on TL. You can create a new acct and jump into rank right away)

if you play 1000s of games, the system will know the difference
easiest example, if I use my main acct, i will be matched against ppl like fan
if I use my 2nd acct, i’m on fan’s team like 80% of the time (when I encountered him), something that would never happened when I’m on my main acct

Sure, but it might take thousands of games, or tens of thousands of games. I doomed myself way back when ranked was launched by playing illidan when he worthless, for the first time, setting myself up in an extremely low tier and never was able to climb away from noobs, trolls, just plain terrible players. That and things like occasional crashes and connection issues which have the same weight of 5 losses can easily offset climbing.

Not sure why you quoted a paragraph then posted a response that didn’t have any connection to it. Also, yes, I get terrible players 90% of my matches, maybe everyone does, but I can mark the point in each game where someone, or multiple someones, do something incredibly dumb and it costs the match.

Please, there are only two measures of skill in this game, tactics, and mechanical skill. I have seen silvers that top tier on both. They have excellent map awareness, situational awareness, use their cool downs correctly, position correctly, don’t miss many if any skill shots, etc. At the same time I have seen diamond, and even master level players that are weak in some area. I would say 80-90% of diamond players are better than 80-90% of silver players, but that last 10-20% the silver players actually would have the advantage.

What has that do with the system not able to tell the difference between smurfs and noobs? A lot of master/GM smurfs play like absolute crap on their smurfs in order to deliberately derank for easy games later. The system just sees them as another noob so it will put a master level player against an actual noob, and that master level player will either throw the match to derank, or play serious because he already deranked, so the win/lose is predetermined as a team team of 4 players with a total noob can’t beat a team of 4 with a master level player who is trying, but at the same time, they can beat that team if the master level player is deliberately trying to throw the match. It adds a completely random effect into matchmaking at lower ranks, and there are a lot of high level smurfs that play in low ranks.

Really? You flat-out state that people are stuck in silver because no matter when they log in, they get screwed by the RNG, while other people can’t drop from diamond because no matter when they log in, they aren’t screwed by the RNG, and then don’t see how it’s just a variation on the common complaint?

Look around, there are people in diamond talking about having friends in diamond that are bad at the game but kind of just fell into diamond. It happens. It is a statistical probability. Probably a good number of the people complaining about getting screwed by RNG, actually are getting screwed by RNG. I have also seen a lot of players fall from diamond complaining about bad teammates, when they are in fact bad and the system is finally catching up with them.

It is kind of besides the point, but a couple years ago I played a match with a group of master/gm ranked players, as a gold ranked Nova main, topped hero damage, and got complimented by everyone for playing a “clean” Nova. I don’t main Nova anymore, despite having a 55% win rate in ranked with her, because I feel her potential is limited and she is a situational pick. I also got tired of losing about 5-10% of my matches when people would straight up throw because I picked Nova.

Also, as I stated in another post, I had a friend that was Rank 1 way back in the original ranking system, and held that rank through dozens, if not hundreds of matches. Then the reset came, he got placed in gold, fell to silver, and list I checked he was still gold 4 years later. I know he was good, he had great mechanical skill, and situational awareness. There is no way he should have been less than diamond…but he was.

that’s a stretch. One can’t get lucky all the way to diamond.
to be diamond by itself is actually not that hard, as long as you have some understanding of the game, you can be diamond in no time

read again. I wrote
“if you play 1000s of games, the system will know the difference”
smurf after 1000s of games will be near of his/her real account’s MMR
unless, that said smurf don’t want to win and enjoying clowning around