So... Will they rollback/reset apply quick fixes, or maybe take the game down once and for all?

Biggest nonsense ever perpetuated. I can win at least 95% of bronze-only games. How do you figure that as “I can’t carry or win alone”. I’m literally doing just that.
Evaluating your teammates, having realistic expectations and utilizing them to your best interest is just part of being good at the game. If you see your teammates are slow but you keep diving in fast with a tank and getting blown up for it - it’s not your teammates fault for being slow, it’s yours for not recognizing it and adjusting your own play to it. If you see your zeratul is barely managing to combo 2 abilities and you still put a RoF on his VP - you’re just wasting an ultimate - your own fault; either learn to count to 5 or just not combo at all.

Of course you can’t win every game when you’re close to where you belong. The closer you get, the less of an overhead you have.
You may need quite a few games to “climb” (up or down) that last 1-league difference, but it’s not really that important, since you’re already playing games that are very similar in quality/skill-level to what you would be playing if you were magically placed where you “belong”. Full plat3 game is not going to feel insanely different from a full diamond3 game.

A better player will always win more games, no matter the game rules and game setting. The question is just how much more and what skills are more important.

In Hots, the by far most important thing is your ability to manage game-winning/losing situations. Building up small advantages effectively is nice and will give you an edge, but it all doesn’t matter if you blunder in a game-losing teamfight 60% of the times. If you have an amazing play up your sleeve - that’s the time to pull it out. If you’re going to do only 3 callouts per game - that’s the time to do them.


That’s why it would make more sense to rank the teams and not individual players (that would mean players have to play with the same teammates all the time - like the real competitive scene, aka tournament mode).
Storm-league is a ladder (not a tournament mode) for individual players. Obviously it’s nice to have a ladder for individual players because not everyone is able to organize themselves into a team that plays tournaments (even tho amateur leagues exist). Storm-league is for casual players and so far it’s pretty much the same thing than HL/TL.

Take a back-up from monday. Take the current version. Check which account are bugged. If there is too much, they reset from the monday backup, else they just fix the account that are bug by giving them a proper rank.

Edit: and they also need to fix why some account weren’t properly place, but this seems to be done. Dev said that it only affected players playing during the first 3 hours.

Also dont forget the free epic lootbox.

They tried it (named teams for TL). Didn’t work at all. Quite unrealistic to expect the same 5-10 (I think it was possible to add up to 10 people back then) to always play together. And what do you do when they play outside of it? Treat them as newbies? Then you get the GM stomping newbies situation. And some GM’s just love doing that, especially when you don’t lock it behind 200 hours on a smurf.

TL is already flawed in that aspect. If you consistently play with the same people, your mmr’s will fluctuate towards your mean. E.g., If you have a master and bronze friends who always play together, they will be roughly maybe platinum level together (the master player will carry, the bronze player will drag down) and eventually will both get to platinum rank. Now what happens when either of them goes for a solo game? The master player destroys the platinum game, while the bronze player gets destroyed (and most likely reported a million times for “throwing”). Thankfully though, not many people play with just the same others and also ppl tend to not like grouping with others of much different skill level - it’s really hard to work together. But fact is, grouping with same people a lot is not really very healthy for matchmaking. There is however no cure for that apart from forcing solo-only.

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This problem is temporary. This isn’t even a real season.

People, make up your minds. Is it possible to climb or not? GMs will be GM again ver shortly. This “chaos” you’re experiencing now is what the game was like for Gold and below for a very long time.

Resets are annoying for most though. I love stomping weaker players (bite me!), but most people get tired of that fast, especially when “resets” happen more than once a year. Having to play 200 crap quality games every year is annoying (I imagine, I really don’t mind myself XD).

Climbing is easy and fast, but it’s still not instant. And if all you do is climb, then well when are you going to play good quality games?

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IMO they should create an MMR value for teams that play together for more than 5 games.

For example, you can have a high ranked player coaching a lower ranked player which gives them an advantage over the people paired who do no coaching.

Per team MMR would resolve that.


Stopped reading right there.

I thought we are discussing competent enemies. If you play against competent enemies, who have approximate skill, knowledge and so on as you, you alone can’t compensate for that one player in your team who decides to afk, troll or feed. No matter how good your play is, you won’t offset such a player.


If you teach a bronze player something, he may not be a bronze anymore. He’s not going to magically forget that if he plays alone.
Also, adding a grandmaster player to a bronze team and still treating it as bronze is extremely flawed. The grandmaster player will have his GM mmr and if you add him to the team, the team’s average will change correctly accordingly.
Rating each player individually is THE ONLY way to do it.
If the grandmaster plays with bronzies a lot, his mmr will fall to maybe diamond or even platinum eventually, but it’s never ever going to reach bronze.

I’ve made 2 bronze smurfs to stomp newbies already. If I could just make a new team with bronze teammates every time, I would do just that: new day, new team, enjoying 95% winrate noob-stomps. How does that sound right to you (have fun being on the other side)?
I had to at least invest hundreds of hours into those smurfs and I got maybe 50 hours of noob-stomping from each of them at max.

I know. That’s why i can understand that what we have now is what kind of makes the most sense. It’s just not a real competitive environment but too many players think it is (like almost everyone who complains about matchmaking to be honest) and they get too frustrated about it.
Games don’t need to be 100% fair all the time, it’s totally fine for me to play against better/worse players - it’s almost impossible to really determine the skill of a player and also humans are not robots who perform constantly on the exact same level anyway (so each player brings this variance with them and there are 10 players in each match so the deviation can get big).

Compare this storm-league to some street-basketball, pretty casual environment and teams can be unbalanced but still players can enjoy it. Players who want to be more competitive have to enter club so they can play with their “premade” team against other “premade” teams in a tournament mode like NBA ^^

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I will give you one million dollars. Yeah, come to my shop next week sure thing my program is viable and you will be a happy customer.
I stumbled on the devs various comments, yes. They meaningless and the usual damage control after one more terrible game design decision that is made to milk the game a bit in the short term (make it look like queues are great so people got back playing with a huge cost in gameplay and long term quality)

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Obviously you should not be able to win if your individual play is on the same level than the ones from each opponent but your team has one afk player (in this case your individual impact is just not big enough to make a difference).
Still if you are way better than everyone else, you can win pretty much every game alone.

Yeah, but even on my worst days, being drunk and tired, I’m not going to magically start losing bronze games. Current MMR is pretty accurate as is. The resets, smurfs, once-a-month players bring noise into it, but that’s not a lot of noise tbh.
You may find some golds in diamond occasionally (or diamonds on tilt playing like golds), but you’re not going to find a silver in master.

In terms of game-quality differences, I would sequester the games like this:

  1. Bronze5 (the bottom 2%: it’s like the opposite of master-GM - has a very wide range of skill, from complete potato to just bad)
  2. Bronze-low silver (that’s a completely different world, you gotta see it if you never have)
  3. silver-diamond - the games are different across the range, but not too noticeably in quality (that’s the area of casuals - there is a LOT of them, but their skill range is not that huge if you compare them to forever bronzes or masters)
  4. high diamond-low master - much higher quality games on average
  5. high master-GM - like day and night difference from low master games
  6. occasional high GM only games - again huge difference from 4/3

1 gold player may be able to eat 2-3 bronze5’s for breakfast, 1 high master player could easily deal with 2 diamond-plat players, but the difference between silver and diamond is probably less than 2x.

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Some people have grinded thousands of HL games to stabilize in a rank very higher than gold to not experience this state anymore.
Most of them, including me, are not willing to do it again. Most of them were also pretty dedicated players (its self evident by the volume of games they have played.)
This is the point. Yes, if you put people in one more frustrating and boring grind for 4 or 6 months the game state will (may be) improved. No one is willing to do it anymore and for good reason.


It is not based on ELO. Stop saying it is. True skill introduces the confidence rating, which they reset every season. ELO doesn’t have that.

One of the mistakes blizzard does is only granting 10 placement games for determining initial placement, when in fact 80+ are required in a 5v5 game. Then they proceed to gate the MMR even further by limiting players within 2 divisions. By the time you finish your 20th game you are already misplaced, and the deviation between your actual skill and MMR is too big for the system to work.

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Yes it does… it’s the foundation of ELO systems…

It’s funny because Reddit says these forums are a bunch of pessimist who think they know it all, then you go one these forums and it’s the exact opposite.

Now these forums are white knights and reddit are the black crusaders.

Are you the peasant that everyone wants to spit on or just a fan of medieval times that got lost between imagination and reality? ^^

Reddit’s just upset their perception of reality was shattered.

Whenever you fundamentally change how matchmaking works you need to reset confidence so the new system isn’t running on corrupt data.

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People should already know by now that any forum certainly has these people who scream that the game is perfectly fine and nothing wrong at all.

I see that both here and Reddit, well less here but more on Reddit, maybe it would make sense for the Reddit part if I browse it more.