So... Will they rollback/reset apply quick fixes, or maybe take the game down once and for all?

I am playing in EU. I was a master HL player last season and for years. This new team league is team league just 10 times worst in every aspect but queue times. I didn’t ever complain about queue times anyway and it was caused by a deteriorating player base because of bad game design decisions. This storm league is one more bad design that will keep draining the player base.
I sadly also don’t care about the opinion of a small minority of TL fans (that don’t care about HL being effectively removed) and fan boys.
The vast majority of the player base (and every high ranked player i saw)shares negative feelings and experiences about storm league as far as i saw in hots and reddit forums.


Eh… Just quick fixes.

You aren’t likely to find support here. The only people that regularly come here are the white knights telling everyone everything is perfectly fine. Personally I find it sad that I can’t watch my streamers play anymore. They can’t stand the direction the game has gone and most have just stopped. It’s a shame seeing them play other games when HOTS had so much potential.


if you already reddit to fish for ranked complaints, then wouldn’t you have already stumped on the dev answer that was given?

I don’t reddit at all and had to look up the context of what you’re trying to ask about and ran across a dev answer rather quickly…


Honestly, I say let it be like this.

The game has needed an MMR reset for a long time, and while this is complete chaos right now, eventually it will balance out again.

The system has been running on corrupt data for far too long, it’s time for a restart.

If you deserve to be whatever rank, you’ll eventually find yourself there.


Lol, The game has had “potential” for 4 years, but somehow it has never been realized.

Sadly that is not how matchmaking works. I just posted a big rant on it, but basically, matchmaking does not account for individual skill, it only considers win/loss. So if you are solo queuing it is literally luck what kind of teammates you get relative to the other team. I have played many many super clean no death games with 3 or less skill shot misses the entire game, where I led the game in whatever stat my pick was supposed to, and lost badly. The theory is that it will average out over time, but it doesn’t for everyone. It is a curve, there will always be people getting more easy matches and climbing, and people getting more bad teammates and falling, regardless of individual performance. The only way it will truly balance out is if they bring back rank points based on skill. Which, btw, when they tried that, I was placed in bronze 5, but because I was so much better at my picks then the average player of my rank I was gaining roughly 3 times as many ranked points for a win over a loss. I quickly decided I didn’t care I had been placed crazy low, or that I kept getting terrible teammates, and losing, Because a single win made up for 3 losses. I was climbing ranks with a negative win rate, and that is how it should be, because I was playing a far better game then most other players at my rank. Now, I can play near perfect games, and lose. In fact my last game played I topped almost every stat in game, and my team was crushed…it did not matter I played an insanely strong game, I had 4 teammates that ranged from bad to mediocre, and the other team didn’t have the same handicap.


In reality, that’s exactly how matchmaking works.

Will it be a painful climb? Yes, absolutely. BUT, if you deserve to be higher you’ll get there purely on the law of averages alone. Even if Blizzard didn’t matchmake at all, you’ll still eventually reach your deserved MMR.

Way to reply without reading my explanation of why. Literally posted less than a minute before your rebuttal, which I had already accounted for in my post.

You need to understand how averages work. It is not as simple as “it will balance out over time”, because that time frame might be 100,000 games, or even a million, if you graphed out matchmaking luck vs players, you would find that most people are not in the exact middle, some would have consistently better luck with matchmaking then others. That is how averages work. It is a bell curve, not a straight line.


I’ve studied statistics, I’m fairly certain I know how averages work.

As n grows larger, x bar will always approach mu. That means over time, you will reach your deserved MMR even if Blizzard didn’t matchmake at all.


Full of theory, 0 real practice.

You can say what you want, the current MMR is not working and never will, because it’s based on MMR of SC2, a 1v1 game.

You cannot evaluate MMR properly for 5 man team where you alone can’t compensate one feeder, even if you are godlike player. Whole matchmaking is based on luck and the mood of the players you get.

Will it balance out? Yes it will, eventually. But most of the people have real life, they don’t play 10 hours a day to play 600+ matches a season…

If I have trolls, feeders and afkers in my placements and I will get placed in a league where I don’t belong, I won’t play hundreds of games to climb. I won’t touch whole league at all. And that’s just because Blizz loosened the MMR so you can jump 2-3 ranks in one placement game. And I doubt I am the only one here.

Obviously Blizz did not take their lesson from the huuuuge screw-up from December 2017 placements…


Wrong. MMR is based on true skill. For 5v5, you need around 85 games at minimum to get the right skill level. The math is public, you can check it yourselves.

“True” skill in 5v5 game where your individual skill can’t win the game alone.

And where did you get those numbers?
Link proof.
If it is so public as you say…

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Google “true skill Microsoft research”. Read it and then stop posting trash. Ok?

Why so agressive? Calm down.

I am reading an article about the TrueSkill. But as far as I know, hots MM is based on 1v1 Starcraft 2 ELO matchmaking. Not the one you are talking about.

Quote directly from the article:
“In video games many of these leagues have game modes with more than two players per match. ELO is not designed to work under these circumstances. In fact, no popular skill-based ranking system is available to support these games. Many one-off ranking systems have been built and are in use for these games, but none of them is general enough to be applied to such a great variety of games.”


I don’t mind that EVERYONE got placed much lower, ranks will work itself out

some say that Diamond 5 is the top end you can place in (like myself) but then again you hear that some even placed back into master or very close to it, which makes me wonder do devs know something is broken about the system?

also their reported “300 players” that had placed wrongly in first few hours, the problem seems much more widespread having finished my games a full day after patch release

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I agree that this game needed a reset… Problem being this wasn’t it. It did not fix the issue. We needed trash thrown out of master. Yet once again a lot of trash didn’t get thrown despite many many high end players got thrown very low to gold/plat(despite winning majority, some even all of their placements!). And once again golds and even silvers have placed to diamond and even master somehow. So at the end of the road you will yet again get garbage quality games because there are tons of people who do not belong there once more!
They needed to cap the placements at much lower like gold 3 so there is long road and difference to master to act as buffer for the non-desirables. At this point I think ranked is just done with this game. They actually managed to make things worse without fixing the actual problem. I used to think they left chimpanzee in charge of ranked mode given how they manage to fudge up the ranked changes every single time but I feel like even chimpanzee couldn’t be this bad at this point…:nauseated_face:


Starcraft 2 is also based on true skill. Blizzard didn’t invent anything. They don’t have the resources and skill to do something on this scale.

They add on top of true skill their own philosophy for ranking and placement and match making, which imo makes this worse.

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I think the confusion about Diamond 5 comes from people assuming its the cap after placements, while the patch notes state the starting MMR gets capped. In other words, your MMR before placements is capped (at whats reported to be D5).

Secondly, the reported 300 players got seeded incorrectly by queuing within the hour after deployment before the issue was discovered. It doesnt state anything about finishing placement matches during that time, just queueing up got their seeding messed up.

The info we get from your post:

You play on EU
You have master MMR
Stormleague is bad
Other players also think it’s bad


It’s based on ELO which is a flawed approach to measuring the skill of a player in a group.