So I did a poll about the new hero

And it got removed. Why?
Cant we share our feelings without getting censored


Maybe the forum ate it? Iā€™m 90% sure this was a thing in the past. On the old forums.

Regardless, you could always start it up again.


Censoring is bad but if you remake the thread there is a good chance it will get taken down again :frowning_face:

Isnā€™t there a forum rule that says no polls?


i am sorry it has happened before, censorship does take place on these forums

Yes, but most of them are tolerated.


polls and petitions are frowned upon as theyā€™re not really about ā€˜discussionsā€™ esp if they link to outside resources.

thereā€™s ways to cast what you want without needing to rev up on ā€˜fake censorshipā€™ by posters that donā€™t know what that would be, or why such rules exist in the first place.

I like polls. Good way to see how the majority of people are feeling about something


They werenā€™t feeling the way they were supposed to so the thread is goneā€¦


Oh btw OP, you can always post your poll to reddit. I encourage you to do so.

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LoL, once again reddit seems like a better place. Man, what is the point of this forums even?


If that was the case, then why havenā€™t all the threads saying their disappointed in her been removed?

Because the polls are forbbiden (but normally tolerated) but threads arenā€™t?


The forums is such a tiny portion of the playerbase. Either or on the poll could easy go the other way with the rest of the players.

the majority donā€™t bother with a poll.

Similarly, the results can be tampered with in a myriad of ways to just serve whatever confirmation bias the impulsive response wanted essentially as a means to lie to themselves and claim stuff the poll doesnā€™t actually ā€œproveā€.

Esp since the sort that ā€˜believeā€™ in polls tend to not understander the shortcomings of such :stuck_out_tongue:


The new hero is a master piece. Her abilities and kit look great in every aspect. I can not understand the hate. I am sure that everyone will like her as soon as you folks get your hand on her and start playing with this wonderful kit and abilities. I am 100% sure. The developer team did an awesome Job. You can not deny that. ok.


Some user ran a poll on reddit: strawpoll dot com/p11yw2y9

Seems like lots of people like it, though the majority donā€™t . The important thing is that itā€™s not an overwhelming majority.

Looking at this, compared to the other poll found from the original thread:

Thereā€™s seems to be a big difference over those who feel ok and those who arenā€™t between two platforms.

But I guess thereā€™s definitely a huge majority of many players do not like her.

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Working link here:

Why do you care so much about others opinions and spend so much time/effort on it? What are you trying to achieve?