I dipped as low as 90% into bronze 5 or so. I got out, played games, then got invited to a group while deep bronze. Played a few games with them, won them and then went to play solo again, and kept climbing, got into a couple more groups and played a few more games, some wins and some losses. I in the end preferred playing solo so I did that when I could. Eventually I got out of bronze…Now I’ve dipped down to 90% into bronze 1. I’m teetering between Silver 5 and Bronze 1, but I know I’ll get up there. I got angry today and uninstalled HOTS and Battle net, then I reinstalled because like a drug addict, I’m addicted to this game and Blizzard is my dealer.
Fell from diamond 3 to gold 4 cause of getting a afk or a troll every single game. Its insane how bad that problem is in this game. Back up to plat 5 but meh
Yeah, its a big problem, one that has yet to be tackled in this game. Once that problem is fixed, I think hots will be much better. I enjoy playing hots and playing in storm league, but the trolls make it more difficult at times to rank up. I’m sitting at silver 4 in NA and Silver 5 in EU atm.
It wont be fixed, Played this game sense release and it gets worse and worse due to changes in matchmaking they have done and the lack of punishment in a timely manner for these troll players.
I just wish they would fix the report system where it worked. I hear the only thing that works is reporting for text chat abuse.
all the rest works too, but less efficiently
Yeah considering rank mode reporting for abusive chat can get them a silence so they cant play rank, i think? Maybe?
Overall getting a silence for these people is a big win, but i guess its the usual 12500 reports before they get the first warning then 35000 more to get t he silence. Or 5000000 reports. Who knows, i talk s… but havent suffered that yet : s
Update, I’m now Silver 1. Almost back to my highest rank. I look forward to getting towards platinum in the future. I’m hoping I can get into some juicy games.
games dead, ranks wont mean anything cause no skilled players left
As long as smurfing is allowed game is bad. Blizzard should check Dota 2 and start cleaning the matchmaker abusers (smurfs).
Not sure where I should reach out, bloody support features lead nowhere… I have had a recurring issue and it is impacting the quality of the game and my ability to progress in ranked play.
Occasionally I am disconnect during a ranked match and I am not premitted an opportunity to join back in after. The issue is not a internet or connection issue on my end. It seems the game freezes in the loading screen when attempting to rejoin the match.
I have lost more rank points than I care to remember and quite frankly it has got to the point where I sometimes stop playing for months or years… and then I come back with the hopes of finally stepping back in the land of silver… unfortunately I am unable to put together any lengthy (once a month) play without this issue!
Fix my issue Blizzard, I want my points back!
Very bad. People just do not play. Half of them have their chat turned off altogether for fear of getting banned. There is only one way out, look for a team of 5.
chat off can be best sometimes. just played a game where wayyy too much chatter was detrimental.
LOL this games rank is interesting so many sus games. I mean this is a real thing and I know it happens in most ranked games. The flood gates are open so ya rank is a joke these guys do not get any back lash and run rampant. So when you are on that grind remember this is a up hill battle and is being left unchecked. Dont know what I am talking about here…Just google Boostroom HOTS Boosting there are more out there. There are paid actors that force hard stuck to get the weak to run to them. They run in private discords and they are left unchecked so ya ranked is in shambles.
No reason to play ranked without a PBMM system…
I fell from silver 1 to silver 2, then lost some more games, and at rank 4 I had a round of trolls and lost more, bumping me back to bronze 1. I’m back up to silver 5, almost 4…then I ran into a game where my whole team lagged badly. Maybe some sort of new game hack or something to lag the enemy team? I’m not sure. Could have been on Blizzard’s side. Anyways, just came on here to post about it and saw my old post. Update: on that game where it lagged like crazy, I didn’t get leavers…Thank the system
In the diamond mines trying to get an easy grandmaster rank but the biggest drag is the queue times are longer than most matches on a good night. 1 in 6 games are full rainbow with plats, golds and even silvers.
I miss the competitive players.