SL Placement Rank Messed Up

I know What you mean. If two Diamond smurfs can’t carry low gold games, there is a serious issue with the MMR system and the game.

  1. Don’t waste your time trying to rank up; the better you play the more trolls you attract.

See, the system says you are (this good) and it says okay I’ll put these trash bags on his team who never choose the correct talents etc. Let’s see if they can win this game. Etc.

And the more troll games you lose, unfortunately you’re MMR also goes down - which puts you in a deeper mess.

A. Because blizzard has run out of decent trolls and has pitted you with the utmost crap of the crap that casually log in play two games lose/or get carried then log out.

B. The MMR balance is a complete disaster because this is a team game, ie YOU CANT PLAY ALL THE ROLES and carry, you must depend on at least a. Tank, dps, heals.

C. The biggest issues are DRAFT, casuals do not know how to ban, don’t know how to counter, and pick the utmost squishiest trolls out there, then spec incorrectly, and feed - well u know how it is… LOL

This ranked system is NOT built for solo casual players, it’s built for solid, experienced teams that communicate, and know how to win.

All of these issues exist in any rank! If you spend countless hours, without raging, and fighting through all the crap to rank up, you’re just gonna find yourself in the same endless pit in a different league. It will always be like this and you will always be raging. GG

Solution for me to play again? - figure out a system that separates the trolls from good players and make the ranking system faster to climb.

Until then - I’m not wasting my time!

Before I started playing SL I had some fun games in qm, and I too felt like a tactical minimap aware god of positioning and skillshot calling. However, that latent GM in me was sound asleep and I found myself starting in silver. Unfettered by a game that doesn’t recognize the embodiment of HGC when it sees one I, you know, decided to play and see where it takes me.
don’t get tilted, don’t die before obj, don’t type just use pings, time camps properly. There, formula for plat 3. Yw

indeed, i saw today a Plat 1 with 3 win and 7 death and didn t play anymore game to keep his rank. That s nonesense and stupid.