SL Placement Rank Messed Up

Ok so I’m a 60% w/r smurf account. Only QM and UR games / no AI. account betwene level 50-100. Tell me how for my first placement games I am matching up with 40% w/r groups in low bronze? WTF is this?? I’m clearly at a different skill level than the 40% w/r bronze players because i constantly MVP and have best stats, but nonetheless thats not enough to carry a totally clueless team thast doesnt know how to draft or play in the first place. Solo que-ing in SL is really pissing me off. How is my MMR such that im getting low bronze placements, yet 60 % w/r non-AI games? It just shouldnt be this way, and something is deeply wrong with the system when I can hold my own in plat and diamond games with my friends. Thats where I really belong compared to this bronze style horrible play where you cant even assume your team can even carry themselves.


So win those games and prove it, if it’s so “clear”. Matchmaker can only determine your mmr if you actually play and win/lose the games (and no, playing a lot of beginner QM matches doesn’t mean much, hence little impact on seeding mmr). Or how do you imagine it? Send your picture and CV to the matchmaker and use an AI to determine your seeding mmr based on your eye color?

A plat player can win at minimum 70-80% of solo-queue bronze games. I (~master) won >95% of bronze games on both of my bronze5 smurfs (first in 2016, 2nd last year).
If you can’t win in bronze, then you are NOT better than bronze. Face the truth and get better. Making a smurf is not going to magically make you a better (or worse) player, but you will have to play some games to reach the same rank you had on your main (and you will, quite quickly (well bronze5-master takes some time, 300-ish games; but that’s the absolute extreme)).

Are YOU platinum on your main? Or are you just playing plat games by playing a silver+master duo? Getting carried by a friend/other teammates is really not the same as carrying yourself, y’know. Some bronze players could maybe maintain some 45% winrate in plat (well until that 45% gets them back to bronze) by just playing very safe mechanically easy heroes and just following the team all the time. That doesn’t make them not bronze players though (although they probably would eventually learn the game quite much faster by doing it than on their own).

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“you can win” of course you carry the whole league mr master. its a team game, if you get cancers, lows, afks, kids, then its not that easy, but of course, easy for you. the thing is, the game wants you to grind heavy, forcing the 50-50, thats the only thing made properly by the devs. anyway, trash game with trash system behind. hope the devs have been fired already.


The game does not force the 50-50. Whomever claims this is an ignorant.

You can only carry if you are lucky enough to get less potato players in our team than in the other team…

Do you actually know what carry means?

Carry means that you make those potatoes win no matter how bad they are. Another poster said it above but I am a high plat/ low diamond player and my smurf in bronze I won 75% of my games. So regardless of the level of potato on my team I was still just hard carrying the win. If you can’t win over 60% in bronze then you are not much better than bronze yourself. Face the truth and improve or whine and be bronze for life.


I win 98% in grand master, ez game.

My congratulations. You were matched with less potatos than the enemy team around 70% - 90% of your matches, respectively…

Bronze players make so many mistakes it’s ridiculous - never getting camps, extremely poor positioning, not soaking waves, not getting to the objective, drafting poorly, etc. etc. etc.

If you take advantage of just a few of these things it’s easy to carry your way out of Bronze. I’m not saying you can win every single match, but you should be able to win quite a few more than you lose. Let’s say if you were bronze you should be winning 50% of the time, well if you were truly a platinum player playing in bronze and you compose 20% of the team don’t you think you should be winning more than 50%? Doesn’t the other team now have a 5/5 chance of potatoes, while your team only has 4/5 chance of potatoes (because obviously, you can’t be the potato)? That should give you a 20% increase in your chances all other things being equal, right?

Nah, potato level is what matters…

Smurfs can no longer place above Silver 1 on recently created new accounts (with 10 straight placement wins). Doesn’t matter how high your winrate is, how high your QM MMR is etc.

Now they have to grind it out if they want to get to good ranks.

You’re an ignorant! Forced 50 is real, I created a smurf account to mess with the system, I am pretty excited about it. I placed Silver 5 with it, I have gone 30 and 8 and I am not playing another game with it until next season. I am excited to see where I place next season. I will repeat until I am master… BECAUSE, if I play more than 40 or 50 games, the system will force me back to 50. If i just steamroll for 30 games, I can stop and keep my high MMR and do it over and over until I reach the pinnacle.

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People crying about unfair MMR but crying for “forced” 50, too.

Oh, the Internet… :grimacing:

It’ll just re-seed you back to the rank you left off. You wont go a whole league or 2 up like you’re hoping. This method would take you years to reach master.

From looking at the history of other players, I disagree, now maybe they have fixed it since they implemented SL, but I have literally seen accounts like this:

2016 - 7 and 3 - Bronze 2
2016 2 - 8 and 2 - Silver 2
2017 1 - 6 and 4 - Gold 4
2017 2 - 11 and 5 - Plat 5
2017 3 - 6 and 4 - Plat 1

And so on… So unless they changed it, it appears to work.

stop smurfing. problem solved.

The games senses you are trying to ruin the game by playing a smurf account and has judged you to be in the lowest tier.

A potato smurf is still a potato…

No it isn’t. Forced 50 isn’t real. It’s a construction from humans that reacted to an algorithm they didn’t understood.

Stop with the foolish depiction of Blizzard MMR.

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To summarise the op: you got carried on main by playing with friends who carried you. Now on your own it is clear that you real skill is lacking, so you blame others.

Guess now you are also a 40% winrate bronzie, but “thats not your fault”