Skin suggestion for lunara: Nightmarity (Whimsyshire)

So Lunara here’s a suggestion for Lunara making use of her quadrapedal nature. Have a skin that makes her a large unicorn based on the Nightmarity unique monster from Whimsyshire in Diablo 3, with her same jumping animation. Since she can’t mount and normally just runs around, it should be fairly simple to just replace her model with a giant horse/unicorn.

Have her be a large unicorn that shoots rainbows out of its horn instead of spears, with the enemy having a rainbow flame type thing instead of poison. If you wanted to give her unique voice quotes for the skin, have her be a parody of my little pony with all of her statements about killing people being some glurge about making friends with them even though she’s killing them, like calling her attacks “friendship lasers” or something.

I have been saying for a while now Lunara needs a rainbow unicorn skin.

OR, when they add Cenarius I would like a skin like this:


parody of my little pony

xD. I can’t say that I like MLP but I would look at such bambi haha