Skin Idea: Dreadlords

You literally already have Mal’Ganis, and all the Dreadlords basically always looked identical anyway. He has the fewest skins of anyone next to Ragnaros, and he’s one of the most important characters in the entire blizzard multiverse being that he works for the Jailor. This dude deserves some skin love.
and it would be super easy, barely an inconvenience:
Detherok: Just a green skin
Bal’nazzar: Just a purple skin
Tichondrias: Just the same skin but with shiner red armor.

This is the easiest thing you could ever do, which is right up your ally. Its literally just a pallet color change. How is it possible this wasnt already done on release. I wouldn’t dare ask for actual new heroes, even though Smite, which is a much smaller company and is about 1000x cheaper than Hots, still puts out characters regularly, with far better models. But you guys havnt even given us models of characters you literally already have. You already have these skins/models. Its not asking too much.

Show the Nathrezim some love. Dreadlord Jaina was a long time ago. Instead of releasing patches that add 30 hit points to this guy and takes away 50 damage from another guy, you could be creating more content, again, content you already have. Especially after you basically gave us all the heroes we wanted for free, which was really nice.