Simple reason why ranked decay NEEDS to be removed

Because the player base cannot support SL while competing with all the other games modes. I literally cannot find a match unless I play during very specific times, which always isn’t possible.

Then just don’t play Ranked. You don’t decay between seasons, only within a season if you have finished placements. And only in diamond 5 or higher.

Do what the rest of the community does. Wait til the last week, get a rank so the decay wont hit you then wait til next season.

There is a simpler reason why potatoes NEEDS to be removed…

Oh they wont get removed. Blizzard has designed there games to encourage potato behavior. You either become one of them or find something else to play.

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i don’t believe the rank is only diamond, i went away for 4 months and lost 2000 rank pionts in 4 games. i call shady bs