Sick of 5 stacks with +90% wr in qm across hundred games

I have no issues with 5 friends playing together but if they combined have a +90% win rate across several hundred games in QM vs. another team of randoms with <40% win rates, I think there is an obvious problem with the matchmaker.

The matchmaker should let them continue queuing until they face another team full of +90% win rates (group or individuals) or just notify them that they should break up into groups of 2 or 3s in the name of fairness for everyone.

I find it ridiculous that someone can even have a 98% win rate across several hundred QM games. No wonder people are leaving this game because of this matchmaking nonsense.


I’m totally with you, but judging from Blizzard’s brilliant idea to remove enemy party indicators in the load screen, its clear who the devs are supporting. They know this is harmful to the game, but the objective is try to get people away from HOTS as soon as possible so they can end this source of problems
 hots does not make profit for Blizzard.


There aren’t enough other 5 player parties to match them with, and playing as 5 is a huge advantage in a game like HotS, and especially in QM.

No easy solutions to this. Some of those parties have also been waiting like 30+ mins in que just to be in that match.


5 man stacks should only face other 5 man stacks. Period. A rule established by more competitive games a long time ago, for some reason it’s unthinkable to implement in HotS as it would

lol cmon dawg, they know what they are getting into. they have to wait, period. if they can’t they should consider picking up LoL or DotA, where they will wait just as long for a match.


And they support it for a good reason, because 5 stacks aren’t that much favoured compared to solos. The difference is about 4% in draft games. It’s different for QM though, but QM is a chaotic mode and isn’t supposed to be perfectly balanced.

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If people can run around with thousands of games with close to 100% win rate, something is obviously very wrong here.


[quote=“Yusuke-2949, post:5, topic:54507, full:true”]

And they support it for a good reason, because 5 stacks aren’t that much favoured compared to solos. The difference is about 4% in draft games. It’s different for QM though, but QM is a chaotic mode and isn’t supposed to be perfectly balanced.
[/quote] That sucks because draft is dead and QM is the main game mode. Stop worrying about draft – worry about QM.


I am an EU player and here draft isn’t dead at all, but still in a good spot. That’s why I care about draft.

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i dont see how this can be resolved with current player numbers, the only option would be never giving 5 player parties a single match unless the enemy is a 5 player party too, and that could take hours

that will make even more people quit


I don’t even say 90%, just assuming stacks having 60-75% winrate
 i’m not sure you realize how absolutely insane that is compared to solo players, for whom getting 55% already means they’re very skilled and 60% means they’re same expected MMR difference as Golds fighting against Bronzes. Which is extremely unfair. At 75% winrate you are not even playing the game anymore, you are just abusing the enemy team like a Plat/Diamond beating up Bronze players.

However, it is not your fault that you want to play with your friends. That is perfectly understandable.

The one at fault here is Blizzard for failing to make fair games.

It is not your moral responsibility to make the game fair, it is Blizzard’s responsibility.

Blizzard chooses to continues to neglect the health of their game and let their solo player population die off. We have been warning Blizzard for months that the situation is unacceptable, there’s nothing more we can do.

Go to your social options and turn off messages from people who are not your friends. Continue playing in a stack and beating up weaker players. It’s not your fault that Blizzard’s matchmaker is a failure.


Not at all. Matchmaking works as intended, but as xSpeILx said there aren’t enough players for the matchmaker to work properly. The only thing where the company Activision Blizzard failed at: advertising this game.

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this is precisely my point but i was not smart enough to put it in words

dont blame 5 stacks with absurd (and unfair) winrates, blame blizzard for not marketing this game so it would have enough other 5 stacks to match them with

the players are not doing anything illegal by partying up as 5, the game even encourages that for bonus exp
this idea that it is somehow “toxic” to que up as 5 is just stupid



I play draft modes. They’re no more dead than QM. And half the time you’ll lose QM games due to being given a horrible comp. So it’s not like people won’t be blaming SOMEthing for their loss.

I’m not buying the 90% WR.


Dude there aren’t enough players BECAUSE the game dont work properly. Can’t you see it?

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Some people still believe the problem was just lack of publicity. For me the problem is the concept of the game itself, which sacrifices solo players for the benefit of groups. That would never work my friend. You first need to cultivate solo players, then dream of having enough players to form groups.

 no ¯_(ツ)_/¯

The HotS faithful will have excuses until there’s literally 10 people playing the game. I like this game, I don’t like it enough to make excuses for the matchmaking.


First of all, why exactly 5 stacks are allowed in qm?

A single stack literally ruins the game for hundreds of people playing solo.

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hahahh but people say there’s nothing wrong with it (let me keep taking advantage of this loophole with my 5 stacks to stomp the random ones) the problem is just “lack of marketing” to create a player base!

Another 5 stack thread that we can add up to the already giant pile of 5 stacks threads across out Hots forum and Reddit.
But nothing will be done to fix it.

I already had my fair share experience with try hard 5 stacks in qm.
Ques up with multiple master rank players cause they know matchmaker cant find any players near thier skill so you end up with a bronze 5 Stitches that think he is a solo laner while my friend ends up main tanking as Malthreal.

And when you tell them to go play SL insteed of stomping solo players in qm then they will just laugh at you and tell you to git gud and throws out a middle finger in your face.

They care less about how horrible others end up having as long thier team is the one getting a free win in the end.

Funny people like them refuse to go play SL when you tell them. Maybe casue they know enemy team will end up being a 5 stack too and thier fav hero will end up getting banned.

Then they suddenly cant snowball anymore and thier fun vanish in an instant.

If people can abuse something that is already broken then people will do it.

Quick fix to this would force 5 stacks vs 5 stacks and if matchmaker cant find anyone then match them againts AI. Then no one gets stepped just to amuse 5 idiots that refuse to play SL. No one should have the luxury to be able to form a premade teamcomp and have have fast ques at the same time.

But whatever. I dont really care about what the statestics says about stacked teams casue its just an excuse to a problem that is much bigger.

People say they only 5 stack with friends to have fun and mess around but I think they are lieing. They are only 5 stacking becasue they know how bad the solo que experience is and then they invite multiple high rank players while enemy team gets half team full of feeders and trolls. None of that will happen in a proper stack.


Devs? What are those? I don’t think we have those in stock.

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