Sick of 5 stacks with +90% wr in qm across hundred games

I’ve played in a team of 5 in QM. We played mostly against other teams, and did not even come close to 90% WR. This stat is bull.

If you say it’s not true then prove it. Play with 4 other people and show that you win 9 games out of 10.


Don’t remember having 90% win-rate in my 5 stack.

Guess why? Because we just don’t care tryharding in QM that much like we would in SL.


They’re just God gamers :smirk:


Yeah, maybe if they are all GM smurfs. But regular golds banding up for QM… No, not even close to 90%.

A high smurf party can ruin QM for hundreds of people though. A problem on small servers like Brazil especially, where they will never meet their true equal.

I use the word ‘ruin’, because 99% of the players on that server have no chance to beat them.
So it’s not a match, but a stomp.


This is a very naive and reductive way to solve the problem, and actually reduces the player population pool which reduces the overall potential for fair matches.

Is there a problem with certain groups in 5 mans in QM? Sure, but to just chunk them ALL out because there are a few try hard teams only creates additional problems which disincentivizes grouping in a team game. It’s insane.

A better solution is to add group MMR. The more you win with a fixed team, the higher the MMR handicaps, and the higher the wait times that comes with that. But ultimately, those teams have to play somebody. You can’t segregate people out of them playing any games just because you don’t want to face them. The vast majority of 5 mans can be placed against smaller groups and solos.

It’s only until you have high level master players that really understand player comps and team synergy that you run into problems. If I was matched against a bunch of gold and silver players as a master player, it doesn’t really matter that they’re a 5 man. They’re still bad.


The matchmaking in QM is just unreal bad and the worst in the industry. It’s not only because of groups, it’s also the extended matchmaker which pairs diamond players with legit level 10 accounts.

Such unfun game experience for everyone involved. Blizzard will never understand it and therefore their game is dead.

And when it comes to the “competitive” mode SL, games like LoL offer a more balanced matchmaking in their 4fun modes than this. Blizzards knowledge stops at RNG.

5-man team should always face 5-man team. Don’t even need to check the comp, just the MMR.


What Blizzard doesn’t understand is that it’s more important to keep the game in balance for everyone and don’t cater things which can be abused easily. In EU there are several groups with >80% winrate in QM and ARAM. I don’t play SL so I don’t know what’s happening there.

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Another 5 stack and other loss. And ofc they qued up with a Valla who had GM#95 in TL and was master 90 this season.

And ofc the master player had several low rank players on his team to make sure my team gets dumb players aswell.

Someting never change in this game.



I don’t think any matchmaker can get around smurf accounts.


All this has to be something that you only come across in the lowest ranks but op says hes master rank and can carry any game.
Something here has to give for any of it to be believable.


It’s almost like the most dedicated playerbase often party up in a game all about team collaboration.


I sympathize with the OP, as I’ve seen many 5 stacks with winrates as high as 90% in QM only. It’s far easier to abuse QM than it is Ranked as you can manipulate your 5 man team comp where to make it as favorable to you as possible, where solo’s can’t.

You’re right when you say it’s not the 5 stacks fault, there simply aren’t enough players for 5 stacks to always be matched against a 5 stacks. If a rule was in place that 5 stacks must only vs other 5 stacks it would end up hurting the game more as those players would have absurdly long queue times and would probably end up quitting HOTS.

What Blizzard did do wrong with this very team focused game was not adding guilds/clans from launch, so players could more easily find people to party with regularly. IMO, this was one of the biggest early missteps, that hurt the potential popularity and growth HOTS could have maintained. They introduced clans into Diablo 3 and that is an older game than HOTS and unlike HOTS can be played entirely solo. The addition of Guilds and communities made even D3 a far better game than it deserved to be.

When there is a huge skill variance between the 5 stack and solo team, I’ve seen an average winrate of about 70%. To be fair to the OP, I have seen several five stacks in QM with a 90% WR, so it is possible. I feel it’s less of a problem as I’ve never seen in ranked 5 stacks holding such high WR.

Something that might help this problem is at least tightening up comp MM rules for QM. Either don’t allow the five stack to break Comp rules solo players can’t (such as double stealth/healer) or match the all the roles. The majority of times I’ve found it difficult vs a five stack is when they have had no tank, but have taken a hero like Yrel or Imperius who can function in that role and as the enemy the only melee hero we had was Murky, Kara or an Illidan.


If I play in a team of five, we’re always paired against teams. I don’t think i’ve ever faced an all solo team.


What server are you on? On the US in QM if I’m playing late night/early morning I’ve faced 5 mans as a team of all solo’s, it does happen, but not so much as I see it being a problem.

I should add too, that the accounts where I’ve seen 90% winrate in QM have all been pretty low level (no higher than level 200), all obvious smurfs. As I said, I don’t see it being a big problem, they should perhaps just add better matching for team Comps to fix some of the more glaring issues that can arise.

Shadowmere said it well in this thread:


I’m U.S. , but I don’t play super late or early.

I’ve noticed many people who complain about facing 5 mans as solo’s are playing at off peak times. Same goes for complaints about ranked queue times on the US server. Last week someone was complaining about a super long queue, but was on at 3am, so naturally the wait for SL would be a long one.

I have noted too that many of the 5 man’s with inflated winrates are deliberately playing at off peak hours as they know it’s more likely they can’t be matched vs another 5 man team. If I’m playing at those hours I’m aware that facing 5 man teams will be more likely solo than if I’m playing at peak hours, it’s just a risk you have to accept. Some people still think there are hundreds of thousands of players online at any given hour.


yeah okay. I recently got picked up by a group of folks that regularly queue as 3-5. With them, my winrate has shot up. I think we’ve lost 2 or 3 games out of the 15+ we’ve done over the past week. And out of all the wins, only a couple of them have been slightly close. This is entirely without me using voice chat (they might use discord, but I’m not sure).

4-5 stacks give an objective and uncontestable advantage in nearly all circumstances, except when they’re matched against each other.


How do you “deliberately” play at certain times when trying to find a group of 5 to consistently play is already hard enough. Not everyone can just join on a whim throughout the day, much less coordinate 4 other people to do so as well.

That seems like a bit of paranoia going on there. The more likely scenario is that they just happen to be playing during that time period because they’re free during that time and like playing in groups.

But the rest of what you’re saying should be obvious. 5 mans are harder to make than not, so the fact that there are going to be less of them in general, and less of them at off peak hours to play against each other is like, yeah.

It is rare, but I have seen it a few times, as I said, usually on accounts under level 200. If I see again, I’ll remember to take a screenshot. The OP exaggerates though, as it’s for sure not a common win-rate in QM. I think I’ve seen a group with 90% WR in QM about 3 times, so it’s a statistical anomaly and it wasn’t over hundreds of games.

This is partially true, considering teams can also break comp rules that solo players can’t, that doesn’t help either.

That was a game I had vs a 5 man on BOE. It really wasn’t so terrible, but it does illustrate that MM doesn’t always match a bruiser for a bruiser. The solo team is Uther with four mages.

Yes it is somewhat of an assumption, although I’ve been matched with 4 man teams who have told me the do exactly this. I also have friends who do this with their smurf accounts. It’s a tad unusual that a team of five all have weeks of match histories of playing at 2am in the morning, but I take your point.

Yes I know, but apparently it isn’t obvious to many who post here complaining about it.

*Also before you @me, I’ve been making a very moderate point that some of what the OP has said can happen, but I’ve also been very clear to say it’s a rare occurrence.

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