Hi everyone. I just wanted to make this post to see how people feel about this team strategy I encountered while playing Quick Match solo. Here’s the breakdown and some screenshots:
Imgur screenshot location: 3PfPnjW
Enemy team starts game by sending all 5 people into the bottom fort, they get it down to about 15% health and all die for it.
After this, they kinda chill out and let Azmo destroy it with meatballs while they contest the objectives and do some camps. We ended up heavily winning the objective fights, getting the majority of the laser shots for our team, and got some camps of our own too.
Once the bottom fort was destroyed and the first round of objectives were over, they had access to Heroic abilities and sacked every single member of their team into our bottom Keep using Morale’s Medivac. They destroyed the keep on their first attempt without dying, we couldn’t retreat to them in time.
After this they went straight to the core and did the same thing, just sending everyone into it without caring if they die. They ended up wiping once after getting the core down to 20%, it healed itself back up to 45% by the time they respawned and sent another wave of 5 heroes into it, easily winning the game. We were 2 levels ahead and obviously had far more hero kills than them. At least two of my teammates were quite upset about the situation as well.
This was a Quick Match game against a group of 5 heavily coordinated players, and my team was just randoms. Obviously, the group players are probably going to win the game every single time in this kind of situation. I just wish they used a strategy that was actually even a little enjoyable to play against, even if we got destroyed. Letting players attack the core with only 2 of the 6 main buildings destroyed is either really depressing for the other team when they abuse it, or irrelevant because they don’t try it anyway.
I’m sure other people have probably encountered something like this in the past, maybe they’ve even made other forum posts about it. I just hope this sparks some interest in talking about changes to prevent some of these strategies that are horribly unfun to play against (Gazlowes that rush bot/top lane at the start of the game and immediately destroy the health fountain before people rotate there, you’re meanies) I get that these are probably fun things to do for the people doing them, but I don’t really know if that’s worth how it makes others feel.
I’m interested to hear how people deal with this kind of strategy in the competitive modes. A change to improve the quality of Quick Match gameplay doesn’t need to make things less fun in competitive, so I hope some kind of compromise can occur if people think it will cause issues there.