Should QM be removed from the game?


should change it to blind pick


Oh trust me I know. I have a firm belief that QM should have just been blind pick when the game first came out but it’s much to late for that. That’s all I was getting at really.

QM needs to stay around until the day the servers shut down because ironically it’s the only thing keep the game alive despite the over all damage it has done.


Sigh. How many times do we need this same thread?

Answer is still no. QM is the only mode where you actually get to play any Hero you want, therefore it should stay. Also it is apparently the most popular mode, so removing it would be a terrible idea anyway.

If you don’t like QM, that’s just your problem. Don’t play it if you don’t like it. There’s plenty of other game modes you can play, play those instead. Don’t be a selfish prick that wants to cancel everyone’s fun just because you don’t like it.


I would like a Pre-Pick Blind Draft Mode.

-Queue as desired Hero, like QM.
-Matchmaker does its best.
-Find game, enter Blind Draft.
-No Bans (maybe added later on).
-Team is populated with their queued Heroes.
-Team has ~60 seconds to discuss any changes they’d like to make and lock-in.

I’d prefer playing something like this over Unranked. The drafting just takes too long for those on a time crunch. It’s even more aggravating when peeps dodge and the whole process is required to start over.

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I learn nothing from QM because unless the teams are balanced both composition and MMR it is a grand waste of time.


Sadly it is to late now. QM is popular but it is without a doubt the worst way to play HotS. Way to many people have decided that QM is the way to go because they don’t know any better.

Draft only would make the game multiple times better. Sadly to late to do this now. QM should have never been a thing but it is to late now.


If they removed QM, they would remove me from the game as well.

What else am I supposed to play then? Draft? Yuck.


Considering the oceans of tears produced during QM comp changes i would say nope.



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i have hammered on this point many times over and over. QM, is the sole reason Hots is in the same state it was 4 years ago. i love this game but QM totally ruins the entire fun experience of the game. i don’t get why Hots doesn’t have BLIND/QUICK DRAFT like LoL. if your team trolls, at least you have some chance of getting a composition that makes sense on a map. the entire QM atmosphere is full RnG fiesta. you can’t honestly tell me that qm is fun when you get bullied by broken comps and feel totally worthless or stomp others with broken heroes.

replace Quick Match with Quick Draft, or just have ARAM. problem solved.


I think a lot more. Considering the wait times for QM (35s) vs Hero League (350s), and my experience that roughly 10% of QM players I meet touch HL or TL, I would guesstimate it much higher. Someone has been floating a 75% which I suppose is a bit overestimated.

For sure there are players who don’t play QM at all (like I did for a time), also not sure about Unranked.

QM shouldn’t be removed due to being the only mode that allows you to play what you want. Doesn’t always give an appropriate environment (players / map), but hey. Apparently a lot of people appreciate it.

Part of the issue is how people melt down from certain picks, such as Nova. I usually check the player and confirm the winrate, but I’m the minority.

Also, it is the only mode where you can practice heroes reliably. AI isn’t very helpful, except for trying the moves for very new players.

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why do they need to remove it?

People can cry about it all day, maybe they should move on to UR or Ranked play.


this crap unplayable game should be removed from battlenet, game where the less " idiots" in team gives you 100% win is pure joke.

Not a good idea. QM is the most popular mode by a long shot.

Go on hotslogs and look at games played. You’ll see a large difference between TL & HL combined and QM. The difference is even larger if you compare QM to UR.

Or maybe because they just want to play a specific hero

I really wouldn’t use word of mouth as the sole source of information here. VIdeo game Players LOVE to complain

Really dude?

This is just delusional.

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Only if you want other modes to be played more

QM is the most popular game mode. That pretty much sums up everything in regards to the claim that "QM is not getting a lot of support from players. ". Blatantly false.


QM has a lot of critical problems which is currently killing hots. And does it look like it is gonna get fixed? We waited 3years for the solution and it is still getting nowhere. Hots is going die because of QM anyway. So why don’t we try something new instead of waiting for it to die? Many players might leave the game, so what? The game would have died anyway. It’s just a matter of time. At least there is little hope if they do something about. And besides hots is a TEAM GAME. It isn’t just about picking the only hero you want. You are supposed to discuss it with your teammates and cooperate with them. Because it’s a team game.

I do support current QM mode and i don’t want drastic changes to it. People who are pushing for changes just want to turn QM into more competitive mode than ranked, because in ranked you don’t have full control about team comp and in their revision of QM system is going to decide for you about comp. So in result QM is going to be more competitive than ranked.


This mistake was made from the start.

QM should never have existed in the first place. If Blizzard had just utilized the same game modes as the other MOBAs like blind pick and draft mode at the start of this game, then we wouldn’t be stuck here. Now it’s too late to remove it, as players are too used to the mode and wouldn’t tolerate not having it as the default game mode.

Yet another terrible decision by Blizzard that has doomed this game from the beginning.


They just simply wanted to avoid situation when the toxicity starts at the select screen. Now people rather blame the flawed system instead of other players so is a win/win situation. Also stomp in HotS takes about 10+ minutes, while in other games it takes much longer. In DotA 10 minutes is like “game just started”, then you basically can wait 5 minutes when people call vote to pause for waiting someone who is dcd.

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