ook this heroe lvl how would get xp and from what,from more dmgs ,kills and less deaths and high complete xp?! I undestand you ,you want such hero lvl be trasfered to heroe,right?! not like current team lvl,right?! And this hero lvl ,should be safed for all future games or only would be for single game and for an axample ranked games?! hm…i like idea…hm…lets see is it this your topic be read from Blizzard forum peoples.
I did proposal different idea long time ago ( avarage 2 years ago),almost same like current lvls like heroes and account lvls,but would be bassed of KDA( kill,death,assists) ratio and to be calculated per every 7 days ,Lvls would be 5.XP can get and collected and calculated from after every complete end game. Every such lvl would be with with 1000 xp ( like now current devisons points). Wait the min,i must remind what exactly was mine idea. There was something calculated death ratio % after every completed end game.hmmm…I cant right remeber what exactly was.Then you can understand me very well. And depence from player lvl, MM system would search same lvls.Maybe you would ask me " Why would be colleted and calculated per every 7 days" ,right?!
Because our human qualityes ,emoties,condtions are different comstatly depence from our real life things.
Otherwise your ideas are good, and was high interesed for me,i read from time by time both ( EU and US) forums and collect such ideas. And i think about them.