Shared experience is counterproductive

yeah…right…i future with new Game Director…maybe they will change this.I Did proposal already at them these ideas :

and like limit deaths to 20 times for over 10 deaths ,Ranked is locked until this requeiment 50 played Unranked games.This punishment or learn to survive in Unranked maybe can learn players do not die over 10 times.Can be make it for an axample for 1 season,after start new season would be reset.Or without for 1 season.Or can ne make it heavy punishment 100 played Unranked games .Then how such terrible players can enter often in Ranked ,when be forced to play Unranked?! :slight_smile:

This my reply is clue with this topic.
There is onther quests mechanigs how make our players start play better.They plan do add Ranked quests.Such Ranked quests can be created for hard achievements,like for an axample for every class or heros ,must complete xxx dmgs,heal,xp, many kills , with less deaths ,assist .For an axample for 100 ,200,300 win games and with awesome rewards like mouths,skins like now current payment models with shard,gems ,but would be saparated and different models from payment one.I know such numbers requeiments ranked quests are so hard to be defite,what exactly to be.