Several cheater caught and reported

But never banned. Reporting system is a joke.

How were they cheating? Faster cooldowns? Infinite health? Instant kill? Map hack?

Be aware only 1 of those above is an actual cheat that is possible in HotS, and is quite likely the only real cheat that will ever exist for it.


Well all of the mentioned would be hack if they appeared without proper settings - I once had that Lunara somehow dealt me 2,4k dmg in 0,1 sec on lvl 6 (that was all showed in death stats). Faster cooldowns without skill backing up faster cooldowns would be cheat as well. Infinite health without unkillable, immortal, protected or whatever any effect would be to. Though I agree with DrSuperGood that without any proof it’s really hard to tell if it was cheating or just skills.

Likely a damage reporting bug with the death stats. Like how there used to be a bug saying a hero dealt 2 million damage. Or that Li Li could somehow kill her allies.

As I mentioned, only 1 of the above listed is actually possible in HotS. All the rest are completely impossible. If they do occur, it would be due to exploiting bugs, such as the Imperius able to fire multiple Divine Arsenal, or Kael having 0 CD both of which were bugs in the past. Providing replays of any such bugs is useful for the developers to diagnose and fix them. Consistent abusers of such exploitable bugs may get punishment, however they are technically not “cheating” since they are using legitimate game mechanics, even if those mechanics are unintended and clearly wrong.

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No cheats exist for this game whatsoever. Any you might come across or download will be keyloggers designed to steal your credit card and other details you type on your keyboard.

There has been exactly one hack, a map hack disabling the fog of war, which script kids created after figuring they can apply the same exploit as the Starcraft 2 fog of war hack, seeing as the two games use the same engine.

(That one has been patched many, many years ago too)

You can’t hack HP, damage, speed etc. in this game. The game will desynchronize and boot any players that send speed, mana, damage values that don’t match up to the other 9 players.


That might be a bit over ambitious to state. Given the full state of the map is known to the client it is almost certain that new map hacks can still be created. However their low occurrence is likely down to the automated punishment system since it is almost certain any player using them will be detected and will be banned with the next regular ban wave.