Serious question about QP MM

Why is it so shallow and it doesn’t even match up roles properly. Lets forget about heroes as this isn’t a hero thread but a role thread.

Sure, if mm wants match the other team but usually it doesn’t and I am happy to wait longer for a proper role match up.

My last game consisted of;
1 support, 2 tanks, 1 melee dps and 1 healer
Other team;
3 ranged dps, 1 tank, 1 healer

Another match up the other day had a team which was a group
4 healers 1 melee dps
Our team
1 healer, 2 melee dps and 2 ranged dps

Why can’t MM just match up the roles, there are plenty of people that takes roles and I am sure MM can just match it. I mean with the 4 x healer group, MM could also find 4 solo healers and a dps even if it’s the same hero as over the last weeks, been playing mirrored heroes. One game we had a zeratul, ming and a brightwing mirror game! Which may be rare to have 3 mirrors but it does happen.

With OW, what was the reasoning with 2 tanks, 2 healers and 2 dps? I am not saying to implement such rules with hots to only limit roles but to MATCH roles.

I am sure people are happy to wait a bit longer for a game if MM mimics roles.

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“A bit”

How terribly naive.


What you rather have? A change of a enjoyable match and wait a bit longer or head into a game 30 seconds in just to be snowballed?

I am used to waiting 300+ seconds for a game in Australia, it’s the norm.

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I remember when I have to wait for 5-10minutes just to get a Quick Match game. I prefer fast queue like right now. Sure we have random comp sometimes, but I like it current queue


Because the matchmaker is written by a team of morons who don’t play their own game.

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I am quite satisfied with the current QM. If I desperate want ‘proper comps’ and ‘proper matchmaking’ I would play Ranked. Or unranked. Modes more meant for balanced play.

You speak of the change as if it’d add like 15 seconds to the queue, but it’s more of making a 30 second queue into a 5 to 15 minute queue. Which is why I called you naíve when you say “wait a bit longer”

And I don’t have problems with “getting snowballed” all the time. That’s probably just you.


All credit to original poster.

Repeat after me:

Quick Match is not Balanced.
Quick Match will not be Balanced.
Quick Match will NEVER be Balanced.

I don’t enjoy being blunt about it, but that is the hardcore fact that just is not getting through here. The problem is not that there are teams getting all sorts of CC while another isn’t, the problem is that the players are expecting all the benefits of drafting without actually drafting.

Seriously. Mobas with a large roster are designed from the start to go through a drafting process. You pick your team, you pick them to work together with each other, and hopefully develop some sort of overarching strategy to deal with the enemy team whether it’s hard lane pushing or dive compositions. In addition, you can also get the chance to ban characters that would pose a problem for your intended strategy.

That doesn’t take place with Quick Match. All that mode was designed to be was one where you could pick a character, and just be assured that you could play that character in the game that you got. It could be with a group of characters that work well, or it could be in a group that doesn’t. This also means that you get tons of players playing the characters that they want, rather than what the team needs… So you get a lot of hot-shot DPS players complaining they don’t get any help or healing because no one wants to go tank/healer.

Seriously, the problem is not the mode, it’s the people who don’t understand what the mode really is… Just a quick way to get into a match by completely bypassing the drafting process.

And every attempt to have the computer even attempt rudimentary drafting for you has just sent the queue times skyrocketing to the point where the devs revert them.

Repeat after me: Quick Match is not Balanced. Quick Match will NEVER be balanced.


of you yes of OP no.

this is a free game balance will cost extra

Are you another one that thinks that adding more comp rules and more MMR rules to QM only makes queues “A bit” longer?

Where have you been last time Blizzard tried only adding forced comps?

You are truly clueless.


spoken like the ignorant troll you are .

Translated into normal speak: “Please ignore me, I have no arguments and nothing of value to say”

Okay then, I’ll ignore you!

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Everyone has a problem with snowballed games. And you call me naíve? Oh and you can guarantee that this change will be a 5 to 15 minute queue?

You throw alot of assumptions there hunny.

Oh and QM can’t be balanced as well for people to enjoy a match? So only ranked and unranked can be enjoyed huh?

Why don’t you tell me why OW implemented the 2/2/2 rule? If people wanted balance they should join ranked in OW right?

Yes, they happen.

But you didn’t read the 3 words “All the time”

I’m just going to ignore you if you can’t even read what people says, as arguing with you effectively becomes pointless if it’s that hard to read for you.

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i agree you should be ignored you add nothing relevant to the conversation . you are just here to tell people they are naive and clueless because their experience doesn’t mirror your own .

It used to. Then people complained about how they wanted perfect comps and now it tries to match tank + healer + ranged assassin + 2 flex (flex can be anything) every game.


Sorry but he has a point, even though he didn’t write out the full explanation.

Any further matchmaking restrictions don’t increase que times by a bit, they increase que times by up to 5-10 minutes or more. Can’t even imagine how much on unpopular servers like ANZ (where I started hots…)

Many players are already very ADD and are unable to sit in queue for 2-3 minutes without canceling thinking it’s “bugged”.

If 15 min ques become the norm, people will quit hots. They wont stomach it for the better matchmaking quality. I would, you and OP would, but 95% of players wouldn’t.


i cant even go through a 300s queue in a random qm party without kids constantly dropping out because they think the game is glitched

if perfect matchmaking costs 1000-2000s queues the price is too high and will drive away most players unfortunately

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MM already drove away most players because of years of crap MM

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Never waited that long for a match in over 4 years i have been playing. Having better balance in QM can only help the game by giving players a better idea of what to expect in ranked. If bringing better balance to the most played least respected mode of the game is what dooms it then maybe it is time . Or maybe it is time to get rid of ranked