Serious question about QP MM

Hey there mate, it’s so interesting to see this opinion again.
Once upon a time, when the old forums were alive, ppl were complaining about the same thing.
I don’t visit forums that often but nonetheless I came across several threads about this.

Some time later the issue was addressed, however it didn’t work out since waiting time got way too long.

In personal experience - avg of 2 minutes to find a match and that’s for situation where I was playing healer/ tank. Playing as an assassin, as a new hero who just got free on rotation or was released could go way beyond 5 minutes (especially in a new hero situation, regardless of what roles we would pick -> waiting time could easy get to 5+ minutes)
Several times my party would just give up and pick different roles, more in demand.

After complains the change was adjusted by adding 30 sec rule (however that’s related to mmr gaps rather than heroes).

The moral of the story is - adding restrictions, more options and so on increases queue times significantly, up till the point where it won’t make any sense to wait for a 15-20 minutes game (on avg)

All of this is based on personal experience on EU servers.
My conclusion - a bigger pool of players is needed, especially for modes like QM where everyone is free to choose whatever hero they feel like.

A better solution is to try different modes, if they won’t click you can always go back :slight_smile:

Cheers !

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They’ve already tried adding additional filters a couple years ago. The qm queues were 5-10 minutes which at that point I stopped playing qm and only did drafts because it was the same wait time to start a game.

It’s not theoretical it’s been done and failed.

That was na servers at peak times btw.

I was visiting an oracle and it told me that the OP would still get snowballed hard even if QM had matching roles. Then the reason for a loss would simply be that his enemy team had the better heroes even though they had the same role…

Since we got a lot of those threads from the OP, it could be that the OP has a scapegoating strategy going on for him. The trick is to complain about how bad the matchmaking is but continuing to play it. Obviously it’s very hard for some people to accept failure, to figure out why there was a failure and to take the blame for it. Some people are just here to have fun and they don’t want to learn and be self critical all the time, all they need is special matchmaker for them.
From what the OP presents in his threads, i don’t think he analyzes the matches very deeply to figure out why a team is loosing. Is it because he lacks analytical thinking skills?
I would even say that most people scapegoat unconsciously. If they do it consciously then they need to hide it from themselves, trying to ignore the truth. So making a forum post about matchmaking helps a lot in the process of lying to yourself and believing in something someone wants to believe. It’s like someone wants to induce a placebo effect on themselves.

HOTS is perfect game for scapegoating because it’s a team game so you always have others to blame but on top of that you can also play QM and blame matchmaking on different levels (not the same account level for both teams, not the same heroes for both teams, not the same roles in both teams, not the same amount of each roles in both teams, not the same amount of premades/randoms)…

So in that sense, everyone can play the game however they like and if it’s a loss it had nothing to do with themselves by default.

I was there back then when they tightened the mm rules. Queue times were 10 min+ for me, regardless of role. Comp quality was only marginally better.
Please, never again. Can’t prepare players for ranked if no players are left.

A) because nobody wants to wait that long.
B) you sorely underestimate how outnumbered everything is by assassins.
C) nobody wants to play non-assassins in nearly such numbers because the other roles catch crap way quicker.

Done. Over with. Yet another “why is quick match quick” thread. Another day, another post.
You guys really gotta realize you’re never going to be the first to bring this up and the answer never changes. At best, petition Blizz for a new queue, quick draft. Because that’s what you want, a draft, but you don’t want to play draft for some reason even though you guys describe draft every time.

That’s all there is to it. Quick match is quick and that’s what keeps it quick: the lack of deliberated role-matching.


Matchmaking has been horrendous for years. They don’t care about balance. They barely fill out the roles needed and that’s it.

I would rather wait 3 minutes than finding an unbalanced match in 10 seconds only to be forced to waste my time for 10-20 minutes.

I’m sure they aren’t because when they did make roles balanced in QM people got upset enough about it that the deves reverted the changes.

This game is in a slump, it you want to kill it, make people wait 5 minutes for the most popular game mode.

It’s because there they get flamed for picking Nova et al.

Congratulations on not reading a single reply in this thread.