Second Teaser is up

Cool skins but now we need a gangster Tychus, Mephisto, and Lost vikings.

Added to my post, i always forget the forums support html tags somehow.

I just noticed that all mug shots have September 24 on the plates, which is the release date for the patch; nice touch that.


What are the chances the new Hammer skin will drive a getaway car?

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Also shamless plug but I have all the available formats for html documented if anyone want to be stylish idk.


Whitemane a victim? What has the world come to…

High. Look at the business card left to her mug shot and you can see what is probably the silhouette of her tank within that skin event.


Probably just a mount

This looks nice but I’m sad that there will apparently be no Kel’Thuzad skin. :pleading_face:

Why does it say “Kowalski A.” on Hammer’s sign? Her first name is “Bama” (as also shown on her business card).


Its short for Alabama I think.

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Why would that be?

Well there is the A + Bama :thinking:

Also I now looked it up and its on her wiki page.

Sergeant Alabama “Bama the Hammer” Kowalski , the Siege Tank Operator,


Good guess then, need to check if there is more trivia like that of which i had no clue.

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I must have read it on the SC wiki :sweat_smile:

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Ugh not a fan of junkrat and hammer.
Those ganster vikings would be so cool.

We don’t know what Hammer really looks like yet. It’s hard to judge based on just a picture of Hammer herself. I’m imagining a tank built out of a 1920s style car.

I like the Junkrat one personally, although I agree that it’s a bit of a bland pick. He was already a criminal, after all.


All i hope now is that this event is like mechastorma nd they do more skins in a similar theme, I need The Lost Gangsters!


Looks like the PTR wont go up until this Wednesday. A 24th start date would be amazing!

My assumption is she’ll look like a mobster in a drive-by wagon.