Looks like Whitemane got robbed by Orphea, Junkrat and Hammer?! Orphea looks freakishly cute there in any case.
Upper right corner could be a new mount, maybe.

Looks like Whitemane got robbed by Orphea, Junkrat and Hammer?! Orphea looks freakishly cute there in any case.
Upper right corner could be a new mount, maybe.
Looks like Junkrat, Hammer and Ophera gets some skins.
I needed to think twice before i realized it was Hammer.
The outline on the ground makes me think of Dehaka trying to make off with the loot, but it feels like he just got a new skin.
The silhouette is either Dehaka or a treasure goblin. It looks more like a goblin, but Dehaka makes more sense.
Also, I really appreciate Junkrat’s photo being burnt. That’s a good touch.
Sami is getting old
Thank you for using <img> instead of posting the preview, god bless. #humanityrestored
Sami is busy moving boats around
Learned it from you. Thanks for all the guides, lol.
Ah, i was so focused on being fast i forget to add the image myself, thanks.
Is there a regular number of new skins per event?
Just wondering if the shadow will also be one
I just want to submit this to the modding jam and I can’t take chances so yeah huehue I feel like I am gonna collapse making all of this lol
Depends on the event; if it is just a skin event expect Whitemane + one. If it is the seasonal event all four might get one.
I really want that Orphea skin now, especially if it has that sulking face.
Usually it’s three. Two Legendaries and a Rare. Some have been bigger though - Nexomania was four Legendaries and two Rares.
The shadow will be the Treasure Dehaka mount.
Usually they have a new mount with skin events, so who knows?
Missed opportunity:
That is super coooooooool
Also rcw here’s a code snippet you can replace as the image:
<div align=center>
<img src=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EEhUPN0XUAIWtk0.jpg title="Teaser #2 9/15/2019">
Also it looks like devs aren’t posting Teasers on FB anymore
Because why use even the small options on promoting the game.