Scroll not working on bottom of screen

I usually use the mouse to position the screen. (I mean I do not use the camera follow mode)

Since the latest patch, The bottom of the screen scroll does not work, it scrolls in other directions, but not down.


Having similar issue related since the DW patch i can’t scroll the mouse in 3/4 of the screen apart from a the upper left corner on the home menu and therefore can’t even have access to manage settings and hope to solve not mentioning queuing at all.


I have exactly the same problem. Can’t move my mouse in 3/4 of my screen when I’m in game.


Same issue. Mouse is only registering on the top 3/4 left of the screen. Cannot play obviously.


Same. My mouse cursor is confined to an invisible square in the upper left corner that’s about half the screen resolution. This sucks. :confused:


I too am having the same issue on a 16" MacBook Pro. The game is not playable right now.

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This seems related some change they made in how the game launches. We’ll have to wait for a fix, but in the meantime try CMD-tab out of the game, and then CMD-tab back in and see if it fixes the mouse bounds issue as a work around.

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ok! I have two monitors, I found if I set the menu to the first monitor, and launch it, it works.

So I drag my mouse to the bottom of the second monitor, have the menu pop up (mine is normally hidden), then I launch HOTS - and it opens on the other monitor, and then it works!

Try to use Command + M - this results in no minimized window, but you can move the mouse around the whole game area.

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Thanks for the reports, everyone! I’m getting this added to our known issues list. In the mean time, does klopfdreh’s suggestion to try CMD+M for windowed mode help with the scroll/mouse position issue? I was able to replicate similar issues to this, but I’ll need to try it out a bit more :slight_smile:


Can confirm the workaround. CMD + M and then back to full screen mode fixes the issue

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every time i start up hots, the first match i have to alt+tab, then go back in, in order to fix the “mouse won’t scroll down” issue.

still have issues with not being able to mouse click talents every time (need to hold down control and the # talent choice to select, which i’m getting used to) and the visual bug glitches from 3 patches or so ago where you can’t see characters or buildings when the change to Metal was made are still problems without work arounds