Science of the Storm

Oh my gosh you’re right. Ok nevermind my protest earlier I take it back :laughing:

Gametheorie made a video about Lucio’s Abilities. They make absolutely no sense seen from a physics standpoint:


Music magic has to he one of the most ridiculous things ever invented. Sounds, vibrations and air pression has sense but lucio and bards in general are just dump.

I still laugh at the enchanting Warsong of Lelliana in Dragon Age: Origins that sounds more like a hoarse scream

Tassadar breaks his universe’s rules about Archon:

  • transforms by himself
  • doesn’t die after it

I dont see greymane following leoric non stop bork bork.

Oopsie why was this on the front page :frowning:

Edit: oh no, it was a link.

The sanctity of this place has been fouled.

The Emerald Dream is not a dream and has no emerald. Ooh! Deep thought, head hurts now.

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Nuh uh, Nuh un!

See emeralds are a combination of aluminium, a defecting agent for coloration, and silicon. Emeralds are known for their inclusions (stuff getting trapped inside) so what we call the “Emerald Dream” is a subgroup of Tinfoil Hats afflicted by reverse-shielding.

While it was only speculation that “Tinfoil” (a misnomer of aluminium) actually protects the brain from Mind Control, Mind Reading, and other electromagnetic interference, testing has shown that it does protect against some external threats, however, it also amplifies specific frequencies instead.

So the “Emerald Dream” is a phenomenon of shared dream/consciousness through a specific frequency amplified by aluminum, cycle through the silicon portions (think transistor) and then “trapped” in the field matrix akin to an emerald inclusion. So this variation ‘protects’ the cluster by making its own contained field that traps the consciousness (ie, mind radiation waves) inside its own confines. It’s kinda like the Ghost Buster’s grid, without the plutonium.

Due to the specificity of the frequency for the “dream” people can’t get in except for those that are already in it.

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I love this thread, so many imaginative ideas. We all know though there is no science in HOTS. The explanation is of course a wizard did it, specifically Li-Ming.

After all if I’ve learned anything from these forums is Li-Ming is supposed to be in every QM, so she should know. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Tracer science is BS. She doesn’t actually time travel. She just teleports everywhere.

I knew something was fishy when I first met Winston to get a tour of his “science” facility…


The worst form of “Science” is Lucio.
His Soundwave must create an acoustic pressure of 270 dB to push a Character like Reinhardt or Roadhog over a distance of 10 m.

But the acoustic pressure scale is logarithmic.
For every 10 dB more acoustic pressure the loudness increases by 10 times. So a Sound with 70 dB is 100x louder than a sound of 50dB. A sound of 80 dB is 1000x times louder and so on.
An acoustic pressure of 270 dB would probably liquify the air (a gas like air isn’t able to submit a pressure wave of this size) and you would need multiple nuclear bombs to create such a pressure wave.


Even if we were to simplify the “pressure wave” from DB loudness and just have it be moving air (people can be displaced by winds of 70+ mph) it’s a handheld device. What force exerted forward would be pushed back on Lucio (equal and opposite) and not only is he lighter than many other characters, he’s on skates.

A powerful sound system is anchored, and Lucio is not. He’d be far more likely to push himself away from a target than to blast anyone away from his position.

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Zuljin should not be able to throw infinty axes. Everytime he throws it he should be forced to pick it up from the ground again

Heroes with guns should not be able to shoot with infinty ammo. Have x amount of ammo and then hs back to halls of storm to reload.

Getting stunned should make the target dizzy for 10 sec.

Is Hanzo a hidden gym champion since he can jump over walls and terran :thinking:

Does Artanis have to fly his cruiser to every map or can it hit heroes from lightyears away :slight_smile:

Tass dont even need a 2 partner to use Archon so he must be better then any other protus :open_mouth:

How does Hammer shoot out a rocket that are 4 times the size of her canon :smiley:

BW has a friend in trouble radar on her. To the batmobile. :smiley:

Kharazim was a Fistweaver main in Wow.

DW, Chogall and Ragnaros are so called raid bosses so how some tiny murlock managed to defeat them when 25 casuals raiders could not is still a mystery.

Medivh is a bird lover in his sparetime. He is specially fond of crows.

Nephelem heroes cant find out why enemy team suddenly grew in strength when they are on the same team.

Raynors hyperion fits everywere he use it.

A treasure goblin is stronger then Malthreal.

Anub should be able to summon stronger and bigger minions not just tiny bettles.

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And since it’s a “concussive” blast, a.k.a. a shockwave, it wouldn’t propel him so much as go through him. The shearing forces and compression front that would exert on his body would rupture blood vessels and pop alveolae in his lungs, at the very least.

Could be that he stores the extra mass in a magical pocket dimension or he’s just a really dense raven.

My contribution to this thread:


I’m going to make one basic assumption here – 1 range is approximately equal to half a meter.

Genji’s Swift Strike is a straight line dash than transports him 12 range (so ~6 meters) in 0.1875 seconds. That means that he is moving at an average speed of 32 meters per second (~115 km/h or ~72 mph).

However, his sudden stop at the end can’t be quite instantaneous, so let’s assume he’s decelerating at a constant rate the whole way.
That means his top speed is double that, at 64 m/s (~230 km/h or ~143 mph).

Swift Strike has a 0.125 second cast period. If we use this as the period in which he is accelerating, his average acceleration during that period must be 512 m/s². That is 52.2 Gs worth of force, comparable to literal rocket-sleds.

He also has to decelerate during the cast to reach a full stop, slowing from that 64 m/s to 0 in only 0.1875 seconds. That’s another 35 Gs of force, but in the opposite direction immediately afterwards.

There is literally no way any known living being coming even remotely close to that size could survive that kind of jerk (the scientific term for acceleration change). His brain would pinball back and forth in his skull, every single blood vessel would rupture, his organs would flatten, etc, etc.
If Genji’s going to pull that of not just once, but potentially multiple times in a row (kill resets), there’s no way he’s not a fully mechanical android. There can’t be an ounce of living tissue or even fluid in his body if he’s going to survive that.

For more about just how absurd Genji is, the same guy who did the video on Lucio that Ironymus posted also did one on Genji (but only for Overwatch). It’s even more absurd than he is in HotS.

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Overwatch knows the science of Antigravity, all those nifty looking floating trucks, cars, bikes and even scooter.
It’s not a scientific explanation but Genji’s armour could work with an acceleration dampening field that protects his brain and organs from the jerk and inertia.

Angels should not have genders.

Genders imply sexual reproduction, and angels do not do that.

Itherael is the only real angel then.

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When I died, I got the chance to get it on with Auriel. At first she looked like a Barbie doll down there. Then poof. The gates of heaven appeared. She saw I was confused and said, “You’re in Heaven.”

I mean, it’s literally impossible for someone to shoot flames from their palms but magic is what magic does.