Science of the Storm

The excuse for Deathwing’s trait is a whole can of worms. Deathwing thinks so little of his allies, he ignores their paltry attempts to aid him. He ignores them so hard, he shrugs off an infectious disease, healing darts aimed right at him, shielding from holy angels, and even an insatiable lust for blood.

That’s the power of the placebo effect in action.


I guess I forgot about them :sweat_smile:

Good point.

All abilities should be more powerful at the epicenter (if applicable) because it makes sense, and the nuked from why should leave an irradiated area.

They can before Maeiv, the OG jumpers.

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Everyone’s forgetting about TLV. They have the OG Maiev jump.


Again Illidan says hi.

That would be Garrosh. He can throw two heroes at once!


keep in mind “The Nexus” is a multiverse apart from our own, so the forces that be create a different ‘physics’ (or laws if you will) than what we experience.

For example: “friendly fire” is not ‘on’ in The Nexus. Since a player is their own ally, and an ally cannot [directly] harm another ally; junkrat can detonate himself and get different reactions than an explosion dealt to other characters because “The Nexus” has intent-yons (variety of tachyons for those not into theoretical physics :smiley: ) so these tiny particles create forces that function according to select whims [assumed] by the characters in the Nexus – but obviously not of the player as some players would super-love to grief in ways they aren’t allowed to grief.

Same deal for Medivh; normally turning into a raven could be super harmful, but he can’t [directly] harm himself, so the consequences of the transformation are negated – after all, he had to be dead in warcraft 3 to do that in the first place :wink:


I suppose but that’s not as fun.

And Lúcio should be deaf or hard of hearing by now.


I’m pretty sure given what lucio actually puts out and pretends is ‘music’, that he is deaf. He can still feel the vibrations of things moving around him, but he just calls everything “his jam” because he can’t hear the differences anymore and just tries to keep up appearances.

But maybe his dj head has really big hearing aids in it to try to compensate :thinking:

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I just like to think they’re there for fun. And maybe the really serious characters are there as trapped beings, like diablo, but still I like that most of them are hanging out just whatever. For some reason the more complicated the lore might get the more I’m just. ehhhhgh just let em chill why

If he’s hard of hearing than this voice line is true.

noW tHaT’S How yOu GET tINnitUS

Oh, the Nexus isn’t for fun; it’s an eternity of suffering, esp for those that have died in some form or another. Some are more obvious – Varian, the Angels & Demons, but all the characters have had that brush with death in their home world that has since supplanted them into “The Nexus” to suffer the pains of a trillion take downs, core loses, and so on.

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It’s horrible.

But at least we have fun furthering this violence!

Noooo why did you say this. I was perfectly happy assuming this was super smash bros.

:joy: lmao

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You can’t deny it though.

But then this could only mean… The only hero who chose to fight was probius.


All of them chose to.

Xen said they’re all there against their will. If you remember probius’ trailer, they were just a regular ol builder watching everyone else die around them until they joined the fray.

Alright then.

it is; and super smash is a terrible fate too. It’s literally all those characters at the whims of a child’s hands being forced into such torment that they have to dream of a liberty from the “Master Hands” that can’t actually happen :frowning:

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