Same match, same rank, my friend gets 3times more ranking points

Well guys last time i pared with a friend that for a long time did not play hots anymore.
I’ve been put in gold 5 this season, and i played with him throu his 3 qualification games:
I advanced to rank 4 as a result and he was put in the same rank gold 4.
Till here all good, we play 3 more games and we win. I get about 160rp per win and reach gold3. He gets 5-600 rp per win and is already almost gold1. Same games, same rating, i even got mvp.
What the heck is going on here?

Similar situation for me. Played all 3 with a friend. Got mvp in one game, and only had a total of 1 deaths in all games. He placed Gold 1, and I was placed in Bronze 2. Doesn’t make any sense…

MVP and your death’s means nothing when it comes to placements. You can be 3 times mvp with 0 death’s and 50 kills and still can be placed in bronze

Same case for me won 2 out of 3 being a good tank even getting mvp in 1 match and matched against gold players to be place in bronze 5 while my friends in the same matches with less utility than me got silver 2 and platinum 5…really?

Makes perfect sense. Your friend has higher MMR than you.

The point is that they mention the new system starts from 0 for everyone, well I dont see how they have more MMR than me in those matches to be honest, but meh, blizzard going wrong with ranks as always in its games, will have to go over the elo hell again, is awful but it is the blizzard way

Can you quote where they said that? Becuase it probably never happend. The change on ranking is just that now rank points and MMR are the same thing.
No MMR reset was announced.

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So you have thousands of QM games and all of previous seasons games giving you an MMR if bronze or sliver. You join with a friend who has a plat or gold MMR and win 3 games with them. Now u think you should just be placed leagues above where you are to plat?

3 games out of thousands? Why just plat if we’re only counting the 3 games vs simmer mmr why not diamond 1? Play 3 games vs bronze players place diamond nice.

What does QM have to do with rank? When this has been ever mentiobed?
This system is a huge scam.
As per league, since the beginning with roughly 75% win rate and 90 games played i should ve been put plat or something, surely not silver where people barely wins one out of two. Instead youo. Insted you get put in silver and will start playing in that hell of random player, where you hve 4 other possible game ruiner, and won’t win much and be stuck there.
This is a system meant to push player to create smurf accounts and pretend a lot of new players start hots, when half of them if not more is just fed up player starting new to have a good rank. If i would start a new account like my friend not playing in years I would qualify gold or plat and climb fast - and without getting stuck into the hell of silver.
This is too bad.

Feel free to justify this crap, or troll post, but this is exactlt what happens and this game is ruined beyond recover.