Salt Mountain: Insert bad game stories here

If there is some kind of afterlife and if purgatory exists, it will take the form of the Hots reconnection system, you have my sympathies.





(this user has been permanently banned from the heroes of the storm forums)


Oh no, it’s that guy? Thanks for the heads-up.


I got thumped repeatedly over the head with the disconnect wiffle ball bat in a game that was otherwise fun.

At first, I thought it was my graphics card acting up (was part of why I decided to give up gaming) but it turns out it was connection issues. While I was in purgatory, Sylvanas became jealous and wanted to join me which resulted in the wonderful sight of the A.I YOLO diving a fort when I came out of timeout.

Our Deckard dced permanently without coming back with me continuing to spaz out every now and then to come back to find Sylvanas watching grass grow, doing squats in the bush, or bullying a minion.

Then for whatever reason the app went full screened on me as the game was ending with the ad for World of Warcraft: The War Within’s two elves staring into my soul. The only thing was missing was some sales person saying something along the lines. “Hey! Hey you! Yes you! Remember when you played WoW?!?! Yeah we totally trashed your favorite Windrunner, but here is another one! We even threw in a purple elft that isn’t a night elf! Ain’t that great?”

Or take a page out the Shining with the twins in the hallway but with the two elves instead.


Not a story, but a question. Also looking at a poor teammate’s (played quite okay) season.

What would you do if you had a solid 20% season, like 50:200?

My current is 8:17 but it is statistically irrelevant (too few), partially accountable for server-connection issues, then to Troll Bucket and no, not at all to skill. Since I’ve already dropped a whole rank, or two compared to peaks. I did probably started with Tier C-D heroes though (disconnecting Jaina into Kerrigan into Johanna - both fun somewhat but nobody plays Kerri and I always see Johanna lose, and I won some, yay).

a lovely reminder why this game died
Bloody Smurf’s flawless stutter stepping AND no doubt a 5 stack working together, at least a trio with a strat in mind.

Someone was waiting for me downstairs so I went afk.

Six months away from the game and I gave it another shot tonight.

4 wins - 11 losses. 26.67% win rate.

Re-installing this game was a mistake.

Not so much a complaint, anger, or really a negative comment, more of a ‘bruh’ game that I had.

Had a match with adept A.I when our Valla deciding to ridicule everyone while spewing some spicy words. Rage quit in the first three minutes.

It made the match a bit of a pins and needles experience as I was playing as Whitemane with a Tyrande, Junkrat, and Orphea, so we had to play a skittish game of peak a boo with the bots who had makeup that could delete anyone isolated even on adept setting.

What makes it a ‘bruh’ moment is that Valla is practically a god against the A.I across all difficulties so long as the person playing her has more than one brain cell. It is extremely easy to nuke the A.I while also getting absurd stats in every stat with her.


you know insulting us in a different language doesn’t work right?
I’m fully aware what half of these words mean
I’ve played WoW in it’s peak i am fluent in insults in Spanish french Greek and German


I love it when players are insulting you, and they are under the impression you don’t understand the language they’re using, until you reply, that is.

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real, outing people who speak my native language in english letters is my favorite hobby, they do it thinking they can get away with it only for a big surprise. :joy:

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I had this happen and I kinda just rolled my eyes at this person.

I’ve seen Scarface which is a masterclass in swearing in Spanish, and I’ve lived in Miami so I understood everything this person said, I also know some French and arabic curse words.

Just kinda silly in my opinion.

They keep repeating the same mistake by removing all fun and agency from healers and tanks. It’s what is now happening to wow right now; tank self sustain completely obliterated and by extension the flexibility in healer gameplay styles is reduced by being forced to babysit one player even harder. Soon everybody will be shocked why they can’t find any groups and why a class that not only buffs healer and tank, but ultimately counts at a player an a half if not more when you measure group performance is in such high demand (augmentation evoker).

Some will say 50% nerf to Brightwing’s cooldown reduction talent is warranted and so was the the adjustment to Rehgar’s mana return. Both are still powerful but these changes disincentive a flexible playstyle and simply encourage you to follow a crowd even more, which is plain boring.

Rehgar at least is simply not fun for me anymore. Previously you could casually be throwing out Lightning Shield to random minion targets on cooldown as you were passing by and at best you would see a net neutral impact on your mana pool, but you were always doing something even if contributing to a bigger minion wave over time.

Waveclearing in this manner wasn’t even that effective as the Shield wouldn’t damage anything past the three footmen in the front. You could effectively kill minions only by standing in the middle of the wave and yes, time was always a resource and there was always an ever present risk of getting caught doing this.

It feels like something valuable, but not game breaking has been taken away. Instead of killing mana regen, other spell mana costs could have been increased which would encourage a more proactive, rather than full passive gameplay as we have now.


Hanamura clown show. At one point we were at a big advantage with full forts vs none and enemy core at 7% but then it turned into a complete disaster because idiots though they could simply right click it. They couldn’t even break the shield before getting globaled.

Very late in the match Qhira escapes the map boundaries, walks around enemy spawn location, plays stupid some more instead of going back to defend our forts and somehow almost loses us the game because her grappling hook caught onto the other side of the wall which put her right in front of the freshly revived enemy team.

At some point I went afk out of frustration so I never saw the final moments of the game. Came back to victory screen. I can only assume the enemy team threw even harder because the way to our core was open and uncontested.

Ya know, there isn’t a map like Hanamura. It is the one map that when I see that architecture, gaze upon those heroes frozen mid-spectacular combat, and that sentry camp getting thoroughly clapped that I feel an emotion that no other map brings forth.


A map where once the samurai radishes start to sprout a good portion of the game is spent keeping the A.I from harvesting them. Sometimes if a good team has their stuff together the A.I doesn’t get a chance to harass the innocent bystanders just wanting to watch the world go by.

However, outside of games where the A.I gets turned into radish fertilizer before they can so much as step into the garden it just isn’t a fun map.

Hanamura against A.I is like doing laundry with the added annoyance of the washer and dryer cutting out whenever it is most inconvenient. So you have walk down the stairs with a rubber mallet in hand to smack them back in working order, only to cut out just as you are about to enjoy some other activity.

The clothes are also trying to escape.

And then there is the additional spices like this: Malf and Stukov AFK 90% of the match, Muradin was someone new so cannot really fault them if truly are learning, and Yrel was the space goat that could.

I had Malf and Stukov following me around for quite a bit in the game, with it just being a battle of attrition. Not a fun one at that, but it could have been worse. Like the AFK teammates coming to reveal that the A.I is more efficient than the actual players.

I was busy running interference and trying to keep 1-2 bots in time out so they wouldn’t go after the camps. So I wasn’t keeping track of Muradin or Yrel that much.

The game pretty much required the same strategies I use when trying to milk the daily xp bonus with A.I teammates: Deathball around the map, gank the bots whenever they poke their noses out of the fog of war, clearing waves, destroying structures when the chances arise, and stare at my mini map like Michael Myers sizing up the next corpse he is going to make.

It wasn’t a horrible match, but it was par for the course for Hanamura.

Edit: Grim Pic.

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Had a Gall leave right at start, and our really poor performing Anduin d/c’d about 6 times. Neither came back. Sadly this obvious loss still took 23 minutes.

The Gall bot is pretty good tho!

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Matched in a QM with a Murky on Warhead Junction, who was level 300 on Murky. He took Fisheye at one, (I’ll assume to scope out the enemy Nova), but never once moved his egg out of base, not once the entire match.

He essentially had an almost 15-second death timer to get back into lane, due to never moving that egg. After the match (yes, it was a loss), I snooped on his profile. Thousands of games on Murky, 45% lifetime WR. I will give credit where it’s due, if I had such a low WR on a hero that I had extensive experience with, I would stop playing them.

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