Salt Mountain: Insert bad game stories here

blizard emp[loye only 100 mor.ons. until they not employe human there is no chance to be good

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Most stable ARAM player (gambling addiction).

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oi vay

I’ve played around, restarting my computer but the hero store is still unavailable
i get i can still play the game i want EVERY part of my game to be accessible
(besides what if i level up and im supposed to get a loot crate)

its one of those days
why why just why why
tell me why

How lucky am I? Two Hogger mirror games in 3 weeks?!

Oh, sigh…

I’ve only experienced that once years ago in a Hero League game. Nobody on my side left the match, the enemy was a 5 stack, and I’ll make a bold assumption they aren’t fans of all Hogger mirrors like I am.

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I am not a happy bunny!
why does anduin get to heal people with his basic attack with pursued by grace at base level!?
what the hell is this blatant favoritism!?

Ana only gets to do that to herself
Alextrazsa get terrible health regeneration
Lili’s AA only does something at lv 20 only with mist walker
Brightwing has to get magic spit

Now it would be funny to know how many of them actually wanted to play it if it was not because the others forced him to quit out.

you talking a lot of smack to me when i’ve got the best stats in this match mate

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This is why you ignore people who smack talk. I would be a very wealthy person if I had ten dollars for every time someone told me my healing was “low”, where in fact it was more than double or three times higher than the enemy healer.

The stat screen really doesn’t matter anyway, most of the time it’s comparing apples to oranges, Uther will most likely have lower heals than a Lucio. Numbers by themselves mean nothing, you can pull the highest healing numbers, but if you can’t reliably use the utility your hero provides (cleanse/CC/peel), those big numbers alone, are just that.

As a Whitemane player, I’m aware you know all of that, but honestly, some people are completely clueless, or so tilted that they sometimes don’t even know what heroes are on their team. I remember a few occasions where someone thought an enemy hero was on their team and abused them! At least people like that are good for comedic relief, even if it’s not intentional on their part.

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I know!
I liked reading my post in a southern accent that like literally the only reason why I let the smack talkers keep smacking
just so I can think it


wait I thought every epic hots player LOVED ASAM, is that not true?

didn’t you have me blocked?

Nope, it’s dipsh*t troll Blast, but nice try :+1:

And you tend to play in groups, as most forumies tend to do, so it’s often that you avoid the good bulk of toxic players lol

ASAM wouldn’t be half bad if people didn’t insta leave on either side constantly in solo queue (I legitimately can’t remember an ASAM I’ve played where there wasn’t multiple leavers by min 2 on one side or another.)

I took a break from gaming to come back after…I dunno…I think a month or two, to a few games.

First one was fun. Second one with four Elites had me feeling like that Ben Affleck smoking meme.

Are you Ready?
You are in a match already.
Are you Ready?
You are in a match already.
Are you Ready?
You are in a match already.

needs so
me buf
fs. Not too much, I
think, but she cannot stick to Pv

Here is a free win, don’t be mad.
Now here is a free stomp, to be fair. 1:1.
Now you are a troll, suspended for


That was fun to read. Thx you.

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More or less than to actually experience it?
The latter is somewhere between disappointing and infuriating, but certainly hopeless.
When you know it’s pointless to play well, get better or anything. To play.

I’m like whatever, let’s make it 1:9 (3 losses needed, on a streak of 5)
So I get in the next match (after client restart), tough but no disconnections and we’re finally ahead at 19 minutes.

I am seriously being baited to swear at Blizzard so that they can ban me or something.
This is absolutely no coincidence, it is absolutely passing the test.
I am being tampered.
If I get reported or suspended I will sue.

as much as I want to read a news-article headline being “blizzy get’s sued over a game nobody thought existed” I find the chances of that happen slim and the reprecautions to you and the game much too heavy


They will totally ignore that, I’m sure they have something about no quality SLA.

Fun moment: I managed to die at a funny moment in match 8. I like to think it was a winning trade. I respawned just in time to trot to the enemy core, which was about to die, but with uncertainty. I was like, let’s QQ (remember, Kerrigan, Ravage has two charges) and run into their core by jumping. So their Stukov shoved me into their core and I got to last hit the core.

Reminds me, I’m in Salt Mines, I have to complain, no more Heroes Moments.