Salt Mountain: Insert bad game stories here

I’m quoting you from another thread that I don’t wish to bump with a reply. I won’t identify them, but I’ve encountered at least three (confirmed their B-Tag ID) people who complain about mirror games here almost daily in regular ARAM games.

These people went AFK because they didn’t like a hero picked by their teammates, or they didn’t like the selection of heroes they were offered, or didn’t like that the enemy had Azmodan or Zul’Jin, or, well, you get it.

This is why I’m certain if mirror games were removed, it would solve nothing in the complaints department, as you noted, they would simply shift their complaints to “balance” and ask for more heroes to be removed. Actually, we don’t need to speculate, as many of the “remove mirror” people are also asking for “balance” and for heroes to be removed.

If they had their way and all the changes they wanted were implemented, ARAM, would no longer be ARAM, but a completely different mode. As @ZolZol said, we need to stop feeding these people with replies.

I’ve been deleting many of my replies in such threads, as on a surface level, the more replies we make, can have the unintentional effect of making this problem seem more legitimate than what it really is.

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Its just a pointless discussion you right about that. People who hate it will convice others to do the same without giving them a choice. My last games are proof of this. Normal ARAM having people leaving on hero select while my last Greymane mirror had everyone playing it out cause they were not held at gunpoint by some rage baby.

The only one who left did it in the last part of the game where we had already lost so it did not really matter why he left. He played 100% normally and had about same kills as me. When people dont have some rager insta ruin the game by leaving then there are plenty of people who want to play a mirror. But sadly the few wants to ruin what the majority want to play.

So yea its better just to leave these threads alone. They think they are doing themself a favor by promoting mass leaving when a mirror pops up but in reality they will just collect alot of reports.

And btw my Greymane game only lasted about 16 min. Not so long as most think they are.

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My Team complained to no end that I had to ban ChoGall, and it would be an insta loss because I didn’t. GG was called on draft screen.



I killed Artanis in the solo lane, then went down and help them take down ChoGall. Repeat.
Ended Lvl 20 vs 16.


if you didnt have 5friend party and you have to trust 4 RND potato…
LVL 1900+ 1500+win Ranked game and pairing with 70lvl trash who is afk and the rest do not know how to click the bot from the base :sleepy: :poop:

And you are still hardstuck bronze 5 so why should people care.


im diamond but not in main acc becouse bronze hell and MEGA STUPID penalization for lobby!!!

you’re in bronze


I’ve been reliably informed too many times to remember in ARAM and QM games that every second person is playing on their Bronze 5 account, but their main is Diamond/Master.

You just gotta trust them, bro and all that.


I don’t know if it was lucifer or some other poster but Front242 made a post about bad teammates and then the poster linked a video of his “diamond” plays. Truly inspiring to say the least.


Too true. A diamond ranked player, doesn’t lose all their micro/macro skills just because they are on a new account. I will concede that a Diamond player might have a lower rank on their alt for various reasons. What I don’t believe is that a Diamond player would get “stuck” in bronze.

If I as a very average player can climb out of Silver 5 and into Gold/Plat, there is no way a Diamond is going to find themselves suck in bronze for years, if they are actively trying to rank up.


While Elo hell is a statistically real thing, if you were really a Diamond, it wouldn’t keep you in Bronze.

Good luck on moving up the ladder, though.


LoL, there’s that garbage take from DeadlyPants again, saying something that is psychological is real and statistical.

Man is hard stuck bronze on his main account while being boosted to Diamond on a smurf account. It dont take 2 cents to figure out Front belong where he do.

If he really is as good as he claim he is then he would be diamond on his main aswell.

But he is not. I already got pictures leying around on this forum showing he has been hardstuck B5 for years. But yet he keep complaining eveyone but himself is a potato.

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Word on the street is that no one can stop Death. :slight_smile:

But yeah, I always get a chuckle on the “OMG BAN X HERO OH CRAP INSTA LOSE” comments. This game doesn’t have that many hard counters.

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There are 4 RND reasons for this… because it doesn’t really matter how well you played if your 4 teammates play poorly (in 40% of the games some of them don’t even play at all). If your RND team lost YOU lost your PERSONAL RANK… You can have all kills 0 deaths max dmg but still lose/gain the same rank point as AFK with 0XP

The only way from silver to higher, then play with the group at least on the same lvl…

While this is true (although that 40% seems a bit exaggerated), and this force is dramatically more pronounced at lower levels, if you were a Diamond-level player you would be dominating these games to the point that you would eventually move up to at least Silver.

If you’re serious about moving up, I would suggest that you re-examine how you are approaching your games. Stop trying to top the charts, and start trying to win: soak, work the map, and volunteer to take impact characters and positions.

Remember that you cannot control the actions of others, so focus on yourself.



You cannot control the Nazeebo leaving during objective to go kill minions :frowning:

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What am I doing wrong to attract these people? First game I outperform other friendly healer in both categories and in another one I am to blame again for the loss because Maiev can’t even reset her knives on 4 melee targets (or how no one even bothered to pick a tank). Coincidentally it is always the party member of the person complaining the loudest that is helping the least.

Second guy had an issue with robo goblin despite otherwise being impossible to get a kill.

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HotS Rule #1: It’s always someone else’s fault.

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bonus round