Salt Mountain: Insert bad game stories here

Rag’s Q build is optimal against low CC heavy frontline comps. It’s empowered in large part due to “Hand of Ragnaros” that requires you to hit 2 enemy heroes to proc. Q build is good when you can auto attack constantly without interruption

Against this comp, this isn’t going to happen. The moment he starts dealing damage, he will get pushed away by Raynor, polymorped by BW, or blinded by Mei. And he’s going to have to constantly dodge Naz’ frogs.

This was a game NotParadox played with Q build Ragnaros. Notice, as I said, it’s against Heavy frontline. 3 melee and 1 ranged dps. So you can get value out of it.

Wasn’t an easy game since we have a bruiser that has no CC, and only 4 bodies. And because he picked Ragnaros, 90% of our damage is AA, so Mei’S Q gets a ton of value. Since he was dying the most, I at least would have picked “Submerge” lvl 20 instead of a second charge of Lava wave (Which achieved nothing, we didn’t destroy a single fort.)

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Not that disagree with you entirely but Rag feels terribly wasted playing meteor on a team with Abathur while blast wave is more of a utility thing than actual damage and I’m sure you can hold out until lvl 20 at least for hivemind to come into play.

Tracer is the obvious carry here but your team is composed of two meme autoattackers and she won’t do much on her own without a durable frontline against what essentially turns into three tanks at the late stage of the game. Intercept drain hope for your guys and go to town.

I wouldn’t say Rags performance was bad, and could have been so much so much better around a more confident Tyrael. If anything you’re blaming the wrong player altogether. Should I point out how low 35k siege is for such a long game, so was he even getting any globes?

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Queued up after a week hoping it wouldn’t be so bad this time.

First I have to yell at Abathur for wasting mines on a empty and uncontested Hanamura lane in which I am already standing and then listen for another 25min to some other clown and his thoughts of how everyone is ignoring his pings. He had a lot to say because he spent 70% of the match dead.

It could have been much worse and since I had no speed boost shell it was near impossible to even approach anyone. I also dared not to go near mecha Gazlowe if he was at full health. One more Artanis who does not know how to throw an opponent out of a merc camp and instead of charging for the back line fights same Gazlowe whenever possible so other three can shoot at him from a distance uninterrupted.

If it was me, I would have gone E build (I mean, I would not have picked Rag to begin with but). He’s not going to stay alive with the small healing he gets from Q alone. So the shield on E hits would have helped, as would have the slow on E to secure kill or help peel. He wasn’t dealing more damage with Q build since he could almost never AA. In theory he should have dealt more damage than me. All of Anduin’s trait cd had to be used on him.

I don’t ever expect Tyrael to have high siege. His waveclear sucks, and using E on a wave is a waste of mana and CD. Plus clearing waves and dealing siege is not his job. (Plus, no one gets super high siege when there’s a lava wave Rag on your team).

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The biggest shocker is how we ultimately lost to zagara’s nydus backdoor. Our entire team’s performance is almost half of the enemy team and it had still taken us forever to lose.

Had I resurrected 5 seconds earlier I could have just ran to the enemy base and finished the core along with a stack of catapults. She ALMOST threw the game by soaking a lava wave on top of the spawn point but sadly it wasn’t enough to kill her hydralisk.

Don’t understand why my team mates keep picking comps like this. D.Va was last pick.


Not really bad game stories, on the contrary these were some glorious victories. Sadly, blizavision’s unqualified moderators considered this “trolling” and banned said acc.

They considered what trolling? I don’t get it.

I like to win by focusing on strategy over aram, apparently that is considered “disruptive gameplay”. According to blizavision mods, this is “trolling” and deserves a ban because the enemy team got more kills, so that means I made my group lose… even though the screen says otherwise.

Note: I soloed core in both games.

Team doesnt listen that stukov’s heal doesn’t stack in ARAM… and congrats, heals were low… we lost.

Did you at least wash your hands after spending the first 30 minutes on the toilet?

What is this special strategy against uther, nova and abathur on a two lane map because you already have a vastly superior team in the 4 stack and solo lane, no matter how you distribute the players around.

I don’t think it was winning those games that got your account banned.

I have reverted back to my old ways on the forums
there’s little to no decent posts that don’t spout the same things in some iteration
aram this aram that
smurf this smurf that
stack stack stack jenga

i want a proper thread to read now and then maybe even reply to but instead i have to sift through all the blasted spam and nercos of spam while the people who actually want to talk about something that isn’t the same blasted thing get reported and their post taken down.
and I know damn well that just like pigeons they same sort of people will come knock knock knocking on this reply and blame blizzard. this is becoming so predictable it’s beginning to look sad.

what do these people want?! (rhetorical question)
dont they have anything better to do than go round in circles?! (also rhetorical)
can’t we have just a little fun now and then?! (imperative in the form of an interrogative)

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Among other things, but far from the worst experience today

A healer stacked borefest so after an eternity of nothing happening I casually mentioned how Deckard with aoe anti heal would have been the smart choice. The trio on the team didn’t take kindly to this statement and accused me of being toxic but when you look at the full picture it was the first death in the game in over half an hour. The scaling had already kicked in so the match was over in the next 60 seconds.

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Some people will take offense to anything said in chat, no matter how neutral the statement, regardless of how diplomatically and calmly you phrase it. I’m now extremely careful about saying anything in chat, as some people seem to be just waiting to take offense, no matter what was said.

When it comes to anti-heal (a mechanic I enjoy), I’ve noticed many players tend to undervalue the mechanic in general. I did have a recent match where I took Xul’s anti-heal on his scythes at 20 vs a double heal comp of Alex (with Lifebinder) and Rehgar (Ancestral), and I messed royally with their healing and ults. Two players on my team abused me for taking that talent, as they considered it to be “trash.” This was an ARAM game, so I can only guess what their skill level was.

After the match I had a friend request, it was from the enemy Alex, who playfully told me I was “cruel” for taking that talent and ruining her game. Apparently, Alex mains understand just how strong healing debuffs can be.

Just give her a DW smily emote.

That would have to be very low ranks if they think 75% less healing is a troll pick vs double healers.

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Well, it was in ARAM, so with almost no MMR used, they probably were Bronze 5, anyway, at least the Alex player knew what I was doing, even if she was on the enemy team!

I queued for ARAM, but got a Mirror Match.

Funny people complain about mirror matches when I had more people leave or stays afk in base then people doing exactly that in normal games.

Just today I had two leavers. Both left on hero select. Next game gets another leaver that had only tank option. He took Jojo and left the game. Keep disconnecting and when he finally got back he tower suicided herself or tried to battle 4vs1 with no backup. Then went back to afk some more in base.

Pointless to even argue with people that mirros are destoying the game when this happens more often.