Salt Mountain: Insert bad game stories here

2706 vs 2709 FAIR & FUN BTW

When 2800 players are so bad I can only do so much to explain how terrible the 2200 Genji was. He is the first to start complaining and pinging the wrong person. Infuriates half of the team in the first few minutes.

Jaina playing some weird build, takes Ring of Frost even two minutes after seeing High Five being used some ten times thus far. It’s a complete circus and whatever MMR all of these players have reached the number is highly inflated because they’re all one tricking. Most have not even touched a single hero of all possible classifications.

Second “best” player in game was Xul who died 6 times in first 6 minutes against Murky+Azmodan team. I don’t even know how we got over the 3 level disadvantage and ultimately won. Maybe because the other team is sh** as well so the match went to the side which overall accrued a smaller number of mistakes over 20m.

I really can’t say that my team played better or that we got lucky. Murky repeatedly kept stealing camps under their nose and no one dared even to right click his fish. Somehow the other team managed to lose the game all by themselves through a series of very idiotic mistakes.

Playing a healer the only thing I can do is just pick a safe spot and soak the waves at the gate because it is too dangerous to move around or do anything else with Nova walking around. By some this is interpreted as refusing to participate with the team. Three of them are posing against a non-threat on the opposite end of map for two minutes straight and the fourth which should primarily be soaking is always dead.

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I am sick of abathurs “helping” to kill an enemy
I am sick sick sick of it
and when I 'm not sick I’m tired
I am sick and tired of abathurs pretending to help kill enemies

Just pls pick a healer or tank if you got the option to do so in ARAM. No need to drag your team into a 20 min long fight where we are against the wall whole game cause you would rather play something you not even good with anyway.


16k damage maiev in ARAM, to put into perspective, our garrosh had 30k, I had 90k as zayra, junk had 100k… obviously we lost.

First world problems there Froggy, I’m at the point where I’m happy if players in ARAM don’t baby rage, or sit AFK in spawn for the first 2 minutes of the match!

To your point, I can deal with no tank in ARAM, but having a healer feels more essential, so at least your team isn’t waiting around for globes and the fountain to tap.

I have some salt of my own about picking tanks in ARAM. In a recent game, I was abused by someone who picked Zeratal for “not picking a tank.” I was on Chen, and unlike the enemy team, our team was only offered bruisers and no tanks.

This mostly AFK Zera abuses me for not taking a tank and went on to say “I’ve never seen a Chen die so often!”, which was ironic as I finished the 18-minute match with 2 deaths to his 10. I took some enjoyment that the enemy Murky took Fish Eye and basically made this Zera irrelevant.

Also, a shout-out to a bizarre Sgt. Hammer player who abused me in some random QM, because I had a boost active. They went on a tirade of how my mum must have “bought me the boost with their credit card”, this went on and on while they were swapped to death by Artanis because they didn’t take unstoppable at four, and just sat in siege making her a very easy target.

I had a boost because I rolled a free boost in a loot chest, you weirdo Hammer player! That is what I wanted to say, but of course I said nothing, I did however enjoy laughing at her when the enemy Garrosh threw her into the enemies towers. Someone asked her why she didn’t take unstoppable, the Hammer’s reply; “because it’s a useless talent!”

Ding, Hammer is dead again!

People like him dont know better. For my own games I played Garrosh and I can tell you I have never played against a more blind Chromie. Just sad in fog and spammed Q with no Time Traps nearby. Ended up throwing her atleast 4-5 times before she went behind towers. And even then I could still walk up to her and throw her when wall was down.

13 min queue for a qm game where qhira constantly tries to E hogger while he is spinning. I point that out and she replies ??? perhaps a complicated thing for a level 300 player to understand so I stand back.

Look at the score screen afterwards, nevermind, 200 matches on qhira and plays nothing but. I picked double lava wave on ToD as a joke hoping the match would end quicker if we sucked harder but it ended up winning us the game. I would guess half of them not knowing something like this even exists at all helped quite a lot.

Once again same problem as with my last match, the game puts two extreme players on the same team but this time instead of matching the average mmr, my team is at a -100 value (-200 if we look at avg role mmr).

Quit the game afterwards because I couldn’t find another match for the next 15min queueing as healer. 4am on a weekend in EU, this is crazy.

Heroesprofile must be broken as well because it has given me more points for that victory than I would usually get from a match filled with grandmasters. None of this makes any sense. Meanwhile there are 20 heavyweight players chilling in the chat all with larger than expected gaps between their recent matches so probably they’re all struggling to find a game as well.

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you know what?
no I won’t chill because it’s AI
if you play healer I expect healing not an assassin wanna be
If I play a multiplayer game I expect multiple people to play the damn game
I don’t understand whats so hard to grasp
play healer= do healing regardless of the hero (looking at you Kharazim)

for for the last god damn bloody time
NO I will NOT chill


One afk is bad enough.


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Funny you mention this. In a QM yesterday I was matched with a Li Li “Assassin”, they did really stupid things like taking 2 minutes to solo a camp, what they didn’t do is heal the team.

We won that game, but it was frustrating, and I would love to see just how many of those Q’s went to heal the Li Li player, and how much healing the rest of the team received.

The recent patches have updated some hero stats so it accurately displays Self Healing/Shielding that exclusively goes to the healer (such as Andiun’s Binding Heal talent), but this feature is disabled for Li Li for some reason.


Guy picks big voodoo in a team with azmodan, ragnaros and samuro on hanamura. Frogs against hypermobile range assassin team. Also spirit ult against 4 stuns. Would have said only bad luck with hero draw hadn’t he died 5 time even before the first fort got destroyed. Says he can’t hit anyone with Spiders so probably unfamiliar cleaving damage off minions, as well as self casting and spends next 10min finding excuses when no one had even asked for any. I think he said at some point how extra hp would help him against genji in the long run. 55 stacks by level 20.

brain on autopilot

Next one is a 250 lvl zagara, try to guess where and how she placed her creep tumors against a team who couldn’t effectively clear them, I could count at least 10 not inside the bush, but also on the wrong side of the bush.

My last one is a 5 level team lead, 21-0 in kills and I am pretty sure no one was afk by looking at character movement patterns. I can’t sit for longer than half an hour anymore on this game with this kind of matchmaking, thanks for the pity win but this kind of discrepancy makes the game completely unenjoyable.

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Might as well just let the match end if you have 2 leavers. Not even a real match at that point.

That’s rough even in an A.I game depending on the hero you are playing. Against other players? Honestly I cannot even the imagine the nonsense required to pull of a win even against the lower end of players.

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I have never heard of anyone winning a game with 2 bots.

I don’t know why anyone wold think Ragnaros is a great pick on Voskaya against BW.
(And going full Q build against a comp you can’t AA…)


And since he showed up on the MVP screen ( For mercenary captures) the player will think it was a good idea.


If I was the type to report people for something non-reportable, that would have been one of the times.

I have won with two bots once, but when I checked the replay the enemy had a bot too, which was a Murky bot, one of the most useless AI replacements in Hots.


Not sure if this goes here but damn is the spam pinging getting bad, likely going to have to stop even warning people I’m going to have to mute pings since I end up getting the most horrid comments toward my mental issues that cause me to go completely unresponsive from the constant loud sounds, this is the second time this week I had to just… Turn the game off mid QM cause of how bad it got. (Last time was due to people being horrid about my being trans of course lol…)

HotS used to be the least toxic moba I ever played so I’m really sad its gotten like this lately.

What was Tyrael doing the whole match because his healing and damage is way below par. I could imagine it was Abathur who ruined it for you by not going speed boost shell, otherwise it seems like an easy game for your team if Anduin plays hard to get.

Can’t comment on the pick order but Ragnaros against so much quick ticking damage seems like a dumb choice. I would only disagree over his build, anything but Q would be so much worse here. Going melee is hard but a different approach would achieve nothing because of how much healing the enemy team has.

We have all encountered players like this, it’s best not to tell them you’re muting their pings, as that is often exactly the negative attention they want.

Simply mute them and then enjoy the silence.

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And if you do then its only becasue the other team was worst of the worst.