Salt Mountain: Insert bad game stories here


High chance of effing losing and if you did win, they got carried

Quick question

Wyd if you get a choice between Zera, Tracer, and Murky? Been there, it’s really sad

Been seeing a lot of “backline tanks” in ARAM who are too scared of being “blamed for feeding” and therefore just… Don’t frontline. If you see one, please give them positive encouragement to go forth and get some glory.

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Murk for sure IMO. Murk can be so damn powerful in ARAM, rather gamble with murk’s slime build or just murk in general, than zera and tracer

The game hasn’t started and I am here already.

It’s just as bad if not worse than you would think. I have capped frog quest in the first four minutes while KTZ is struggling to hit any of the Samuro’s images. Butcher has taken Block (imagine Q resets to check bushes for mines or stealth) with Lambs against a team which has no worry for it and Kael doesn’t know how to deal damage at all (8k hero 20k siege after 15min).

All the opponents have bad mmr with mediocre % considering stacked party is the only thing they play and unsurprisingly the replay gets uploaded instantaneously so I can quickly see how terrible all of this is. I am showing 200 mmr above the second best player in the game which isn’t even on my team and those on my team are ALL significantly lower than all of the opponents.

2600 glue eaters vs 2800 premade :+1:
Zarya is doing her best which isn’t much but everyone can understand how useless she feels playing against Abathur.

shoutout to the forum clowns over at
for trying to justify this kind of matchmaking with any kind of statistics

One match later, KTZ “blindly” shooting ult in the fog of war. Blatant party stack maphacking. First I thought they had good vision with help from Abathur but then I saw Muradin jumping across the wall at unsuspecting players he could never know were there. I don’t remember stepping in or seeing a single mine for the whole match which wasn’t placed against stationary minions so I don’t know what else it could be.

Then there’s Ming+Aba game on Warhead. Abathur going locusts+monster for some strange reason, pushes lanes so I can’t stack Voodoo but not far enough to cause serious damage even after half an hour. Pinging in advance for his help, he is never there.

After a while Ming starts talking how good enemy Medivh is (at least triple Abathur’s healing lol). With Calamity and Wave she would have soloed the entire enemy team through Abathur’s help but she took neither so expect misery for 45min before someone eventually disconnects.

At around 30min after staggering deaths for last 10min they decide to go for Boss because the entire enemy team is obviously there. 20 seconds late and up against Leyline Seal but they still go in. Two of ours die and afterwards we defend with no Core damage like it is a joke. Now she starts talking nonsense and after being told we would be here all evening if someone were to list all her mistakes, it breaks her completely and she wouldn’t let go even after the match had ended.

MVP Abathur died some five times to Medivh, always after being warned 10 sec in advance that he was flying in his direction.

Hey, I’ve won the vast majority of ARAM games I played as Tracer.

And Lili is a decent pick too.

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I am not saying you’re bad at Tracer in ARAM, but given the global scale of bad heroes in aram. Tracer is up there.

Based on WR in ARAM for all regions and uploaded games to heroes profile. Minor patch, last 11 timeframes selected.

Top worse picks are (WR %):

  1. Valeera: 37.89
  2. Med: 38.03
  3. Tracer: 40.26
  4. Fenix: 40.36
  5. Genji: 40.40

Top picks are:

  1. Naz
  2. Zuljin
  3. Zag
  4. Azmo
  5. Meph

To be honest, I am surprised chromie is not even in the top 10

But the list doesn’t really surprise me at all. The top 5 is what usually people insta lock.

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No doubt by posting this, it will turn my luck sour, but I’ll take the risk.

This is not really salty, but more odd. Yesterday, I won four SL games in a row, because the enemy team gave up almost instantly. Winning matches like that are rarely satisfying (the reason I’m posting here), but four in a row of this nature in ranked, it’s extremely unusual.

I guess I can add some real salt, I’m not Plat anymore, I’m now golden, but hopefully not for much longer, as I’m having great success when I can nab Mei.


I got stuck with three insufferable players twice and instead of doing their job they’d rather doss about two very close matches that we could have just finished got prolonged because they just wouldn’t do the thing that they needed to do
I hate all three of them and I’m not gonna put up with them next time I have to deal with them
they are the reason why I know stacking ain’t the bloody problem in this game because it’s people like them who make me wanna quit the games

Oof, tonight in ranked. I started out with 60% wr and I don’t know what I ended with. I kept getting these players who wanted to go chogall and I was ok the first time and we built the team around that. We had an auriel to crown, me Tyrael to shield and an offlaner. We could have won that but didn’t, on Braxis, I was doing everything I could to throw my blocking fields down so we could hold point.

Then I get them next game and they want to go ChoGall on towers, and I said you can do that but I’m not tanking for you and I’ll heal but you have to be smart about it. It turned out our Arthas was the worst player, intentionally throwing.

I love this game but these games make me say I’ll never tank or heal again

got reported for not helping a zarya that AFKed bottom lane

I’m starting to loose faith in humanity again

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Not looking good.


Is that your Plat account Phase? Drafting doesn’t seem to improve even in that rank.

So my salt is SL related. My biggest pet peeve is players who draft a solo lane bruiser, but never take their lane, or camp, but simply brawl mid.

I had two games in a row yesterday with solo lane bruisers who didn’t take their lane or do anything useful. I’ll share one anecdote as, looking back with some distance, it might at least give Hoku a laugh as it’s Artanis related.

So this Artanis, not only did he never take his lane top solo on Braxis, we did not have another hero like Raynor who could have subbed for him. When I asked the Artanis to please go top, he informed me that “Artanis is not a bruiser, he’s main tank and can’t take camps and the top lane is not important on this map.”

I did my best as tank to rotate and pick up the exp top and quickly return to keep my team safe. This was only a band-aid and the enemy won that map through map pressure, due to the constant loss of exp and that fact this Artanis manged to die 13 times in a relatively short match.

Oh, I forgot, that Artanis was Plat 2, so his statements were even more baffling.

*Just today I had yet another game with an Artanis who did the same as above, with the only difference being that instead of not taking camps, that’s all he did, that, and die. I’m starting to hate Artanis players.

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It was. Thankfully the Zeratul switched to a tank, and we won that game.


Yep, it is real, if the player was new or bronze, I would have understood, but as stated, they were Plat 2.

Aside from my immense irritation, all I could think of is how appalled Hoku would be about these statements and how much I wish Hoku was playing Artanis instead of that weirdo.

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I hate seeing him on maps without valuable camps because he is the worst kind of brute force. Chrono Surge is the preferred talent only by a small margin and without it he has no kill potential, but the talent doubles down on his main exploitable flaw, which is reliance on melee auto attacks.

Casually prism-tossing someone out of the boss or merc camp can be a game changer even in the early phase of the match, but outside of that he has very little to no synergy with any other hero so is just frustrating to look at him.

What I dislike the most around his design is how the talent changes his UTILITY ability into a spammable button only to maintain attack speed buff. What is worse that there is a disconnect with level 13 talent tier so players don’t even tend to double down with another Prism empowering talent which would offer a near-permanent slow/attack speed utility because the alternative is better.

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Last night, some Deckard decided to ruin my 1AM QM game on Blackheart’s Bay. I was playing Ragnaros (spicy meatball) with my friend. I was too busy soaking XP to know what happened, but Deckard died and typed out “gg” before running it down mid for the rest of the game.

Obviously he’s the scum of the earth but I couldn’t even comprehend why would he int? We actually had 2 kills, he was the first death, and decided that the game was unwinnable after?? We played out the rest of the match with fire in our hearts and had a reasonable chance to win at 4v5. We even dealt damage to the core near the end. Unfortunately, we lost, but from not having enough men on the map to gather coins.


Never understood people like this. Its like they comes from LOL where people will quit on first death or first tower down. Or its really just people with nothing better to do then ruin games for fun.

I just had 3 bad matches in a row after a three week break, but Trump is guilty on all 34 charges so I’m not even mad.


Matches on Hanamura with teammates that select Elite A.I while also having spacial awareness of a baby on the verge of falling asleep is the primary reason why I have a hard time falling asleep at night. Also why I have trust issues and crippling anxiety.

They are the types of matches where I need a large pot of coffee that could be confused for old motor oil, an unhealthy amount of alcohol, and basically swiping on deities as fast as possible in the hopes of getting a prayer. A hug would be nice afterwards, but that never happens.

Case in point the most recent match on Sylvanas I had play above and beyond normal that if the A.I were able to feel emotions I would be their paralysis demon while my teammates would cause them to chuckle.

It probably would have been better for my teammates to just sit in hall of the storms as otherwise the bots would not have gotten as much experience as they did.

Oh, we won, but I may as well have had a little green child walk up to me and ask me what did it cost which…yeah about that. Those twenty minutes did not feel like twenty minutes.

I am not even going to upload a screenshot. I’ll let ya’lls imagination run wild on what the stats were in the end, but I will write this: they’re worse than you think. So much so it would probably be considered slander or a breach of rules towards my teammates uploading it.

About the only positive is that I did not die once…I am not even sure if that is a positive or not.

Now if you excuse me I need to gather up all the blankets, mattresses, and other soft objects to line a room with to then figure out how to make a homemade strait jacket to chill in for the next hour or so.