Salt Mountain: Insert bad game stories here

It’s the main reason a lot of people watch his channel, so I don’t think it’s ever going to stop as long as the channel exists. And like I said, we really could have won that game, he was on Falstad, but the rest of his team wasn’t very good. And it’s not like he was unkillable either.

Oh, it wasn’t on the same account :slight_smile: I would have been pissed otherwise if my very next game was against a GM.

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damaging Ana
and I thought inquisitors pray was bad

no I’m still not over it it’s been 4 hours but it’s still complete bullcrap

Almost every game had stared to feel like that. One out of three I will be winning all by myself, other time no matter how anyone in the game plays, the outcome will be put in hands of a random player from either team (read: ruined) and if I ever decide to play healer or a tank there’s a chance I might actually have fun; win or lose.


I correct myself. I decided to give it a shot after three weeks but I can’t anymore with this nonsense. Muradin isn’t some random smurf because he played like he never held a mouse in his hand. There’s your MVP Nazeebo with 64 Stacks by level 20 and Ragnaros repeatedly casting LV where all of his players are, with two other lanes completely ignored. My guys weren’t even that good and we finished the game with a 4 level advantage. I can’t tell exactly what my contribution was but it could have possibly halved match duration had I decided to be more involved.

Failure at all levels of matchmaking, from premade vs random, mmr range spread 1300 points from top to bottom with a ~300 average advantage for one team. It’s a complete waste of time. I could expect this circus outside of peak hours after a 5min wait, not five seconds after queueing up.

Swap me with Nazeebo and this instantly becomes a “fair” 2400 mirror match. Being played on a Warhead map I can assume the game could potentially drag on forever because of how incompetent the 4-stack really was and eventually after 45min Nazeebo would complete Vile Infection which would be too much damage for us to handle.

All I want to say, is I’m eternally grateful when someone posts these screencaps of their horrible games, that my account has so far, never been part of the narrative.

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been in games with Hasher22/Grim and Waterlong, all these matches were wins. I think I’ve encountered Hasher22 at least 6 times over the years, always on my team, and we won all those matches.

The match with Waterlong was fun, they play an extremely mean Auriel, it’s great to encounter forum regulars in games and see their skills first hand. A bonus being that all these people are as friendly as they are here on the forums.


I want anduin removed permanently
I’m sick of his aggravating little face
I’m sick of insubordination
I’m sick of his healing potential
I’m sick of the bread-dead half wits who play him and just SUCCEED

or at least a bloody nerf just so I don’t have to see that one trick snooze fest of character
buff some of the other healers that don’t preform well so I don’t just see him

I can’t help but start rolling my eyes whenever anyone suggests that me being in the game could be the root cause of all these issues I am having, just because it happens often.

I hate being around people, honestly I do but that does not stop me from being courteous. Sadly this isn’t WoW where I can take a breather between attempts to explain either myself or what someone may be doing wrong or how to improve on it. It is a both a distraction and a big time waster. If there is a failure in communication, I should definitely not be the one to blame for being the only one on the team using pings.

If there’s a place where outside players complain about their experiences pertaining to me they are already calling me insane and unstable so if someone were to say I would rather watch the house burn down than play as part of the team they wouldn’t be completely wrong.

For this to ever happen you must have wronged me in an extreme way. I have learned the best way to get rid of someone very quickly is just to let them vent so watching a complete meltdown can at times be more rewarding than winning.

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I’m, for the most part, more friendly in game than on the forums. Though, I’ve been more friendly on the forums after getting TL3. Never thought I’d have it after having my main account permanently banned from the forums and having this account suspended numerous times.

Though, I’m kind of brutal when someone bad starts to rant and complain. If they’re simply bad and silent, I will write 1 comment to the effect of, “can you stick with the team”, depending on the situation.

If they don’t listen, I just conduct myself in a way akin to having a bot on my team aka playing more careful and such.




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Are people that stupid with classes?

A tyc in aram boasting how he’s the highest damage dealer when there’s a mal, diablo, murk and junkrat versus a chunky team of Art, garrosh, azmo… obviously he would be ontop with his % damage.

Also he was complaining about how tanks not dealing damage… ok then, go front line and soak damage.

I’ll complain Tyc wasn’t soaking damage.

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I’m pretty sure we played together in a QM a couple of years ago, and you were good in that game. I believe that I put a post about it in the GG thread, but I’m not going to dig for it as I don’t care to read many of my posts, as they often suck, or are somewhat embarrassing, often both.

I don’t remember. Had I noticed that you were there?

I was just speaking with Mr. Spock, who told me both of those statments are incorrect.


Phase, you’re too kind as always. You didn’t know it was me, but I do remember you did some shot calling that helped win the match.

So some salt.

There is a much deserved avalanche of complaints regarding Naz players, in particular his walls. More precisely, the Naz players who don’t know how, or won’t cancel them when they trap allies.

To counter the above, I want to complain about the lord of terror I played with in a recent ARAM game. I watched the replay after to count how many times the enemy, ally Diablo flipped enemies trapped in my walls and saved them.

It was 12 times.

We won the game, but it was frustrating.


Lol experienced both of those often.

I had a Nazeebo constantly trap me in walls as Johanna. I kept telling him to be careful and Cancel it. His answer was. “Come on, it makes no difference”

Having your tank very obviously CC’ed in front of the enemy team makes no difference apparently.

It’s incredible how many ways Nazeebo’s kit can screw his team.


That must have been an aram. Recently I’ve been picking her every chance I get because I’ve randomly decided I’ve got something to prove : p

Despite feeling a strong urge to jump out of an open window over illogical talent choices or nonsense from other players I tend to keep silent unless they start repeating the same mistake.

No healer game, Ming from my team vs Valeera, but no teleport talents and 10+20 laser. Padding damage without kill potential and already getting on my nerves for walking into the bushes so casually. Very late in the game she almost throws the game by being curious when we are 3v5 against Hammer team pushing into our Keep and threatening to end the match. Somehow we survive, get the boss and win by a hair’s breadth.

I assumed she spent most of the game dead but shockingly Ming died only two times over 35 minutes. Something may have clicked for her around halfway point about the way she should be playing which had been a pleasant and unexpected surprise.

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7 min before anyone from enemy team visits the bottom lane
14 valla multishot stacks by our level 20 (with 5 level deficit mind you), at one point more deaths than stacks

auriel playing for the third time so if she starts to understands crown over 15 minutes, it is garrosh who gets it (otherwise mains a 45% Lili and hasn’t touched any other hero), to make it worse, she is in duo with valla

guy complaining that enemy team is GOOD and WHINING that we aren’t playing as a team (playing against premade, but very incompetent group and KTZ that can’t even hit a stunlocked target), also why not pick strafe against EXTENDED POLYMORPH and 10 other stuns

tracer idk? probably wants to put a bullet into her head by now, padding damage with no effect but there isn’t much that she can do with half of team constantly dead

why am I toxic? not because three of them have spend the entirety of early game dead but that I always have to listen to idiots who

a) feel the need to share their opinions, despite always being wrong
b) complain over something when they’re single handedly ruining the game
c) are so bad at the game they don’t even realize how bad the entirety of enemy team actually is

I really tried. Now 7 matches all completely unplayable. Each one had several players with 10 or more deaths, could have literally won all of them outnumbered with a bot had it not resulted with a several levels difference which they alone have created.

If I ever had the feeling that the game was going well, it was thanks to one of these clowns ruining the match for my opponents, not because of my or my team’s performance.

Only one match wasn’t a complete disaster, very hard but super winnable in late game. Being 5 sec away from level 20 I start pinging to stay away, three of them ignore and just walk into the enemy team, not ambushed on accident but they knew exactly where everyone was, right at the objective.



41 Kills to 6, that’s deeply depressing.
(I like how Valla is on the MVP screen, with the “value” of having taken 4 merc camps)

You can still find a good match here and there but over the weekends the game has been a disaster for at least a couple of months.

I don’t upload replays regularly myself but when I notice that a month later only 5 out of 100 most recent matches appear on my HP profile page it makes you wonder about the state of game and its player base.

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genji 5v5
I was bored of it the first time it happened
and no surprises was bored of it this time too

other heroes do exist with the mirror matches right it isn’t just sylvanas genji and murky right?